Tullus – beard or no beard? Tullus’ profile – beard or no beard The ping pong has begun… Maria claimed she was winning. Thanks to Catherine Gross for the odyssey from the Starbucks to me! Hannah must always remember: Poseidon sees all. Much like the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and indispensable SCL! Maddie waves to the crowd! Bobby, Maddie, and the other SCL officers wave to the crowd! Bobby, Maddie, and the other SCL officers continue to wave to the crowd! Amy Elifrits: the most powerful person at convention Melissa Burgess: wearer of many hats – vice-chair and graphics and others which are more stylish. Amy Elifrits pointing out a very important piece of papyrus which had served to mummify the corpse of a ninja turtle found in Oxyrhynchus. Sue Robertson: my old Latin teacher! Certamen Orientation Certamen Orientation Certamen Orientation Certamen Orientation Certamen Orientation Teachers prepare to judge Latin Oratory.