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2025 State Convention Theme:

vivamus, moriendum est

“let us live, for we must die”

(Seneca, Declamations 2.VI)

Latest Announcements:

Fall Forum is happening today!  Welcome!  Please click on the link to access the agenda for the day.

Congratulations to Philip Towbin on his election to the NJCL board at convention this summer! This leaves the position of OJCL 1st Vice-President vacant. The application for students interested in the position is ready and due September 24th at 11:59pm. Students should contact Parliamentarian Ella Chi with questions about the application and eligibility. Interested students may contact either Ella or Philip about the duties/realities of the position itself. Bonam fortunam! (9-10-24)

Sat Sept 28:  9 am – 5 pm, Fall Forum, Columbus Academy.  $5/student, and pizza lunch + snacks are provided.
Here is link to sign up for the Cincinnati bus to get there.  Jessie Craft will be the keynote speaker, to learn more about him, click here here and here.  Events include:  a presentation on ‘Minecraft and the Classics,’ an academic test, an impromptu art contest, pizza lunch, outdoor sports/games, certamen, student-state-officer presentations, and an awards assembly. (8-31-24)

Pre-NJCL Picnics! Come hang out with OJCLers and help make the spirit supplies, even if you can’t join us at NJCL convention!
North: RSVP to
– June 9th, 1 PM, Italian Cultural Gardens
Central: RSVP to
 – June 8th, 1-3PM, Columbus Academy: Outdoor Learning Center
 South: RSVP to
 – June 8th, 1-3PM, Ault Park

All Ohio students and adults attending national convention should fill out this form regarding travel to NJCL, even if you are not riding the Ohio bus. Ohio will bus to Tennessee, departing Cleveland early in the morning on July 21st and stopping in Columbus and Cincinnati along the way. (5-20-24)

Join us at Great American Ballpark to celebrate Rome’s birthday and support OJCL scholarships! Proceeds from tickets purchased through our link will go directly towards convention scholarships. ANYONE can buy tickets with our link, not just JCLers, so bring your family and non-Latin friends along too! Here’s a flyer, too! (4-5-24)

Going to NJCL Convention? Here is the information about the 2024 OJCL scholarship to Nationals! Deadline extended to 11:59 P.M. on April 12th, 2024. NJCL also has scholarships available for students and teachers. (4-5-24)

Gubernator applications for 2024-2025 are available, they are due March 26th. They will be voted on and notified on April 1st prior to our changeover meeting. Editor and Historian applications are also available will be due on April 12th. (updated 3-15-24)

The 2024-2025 Pre-File Form is available for students interested in running for office. Some reminders are below, email with questions. The forms are due by 11:59 PM on February 23rd.
-You may not pre-file for an office that a member of your delegation currently holds.
-You MUST have permission from your sponsor and parent to pre-file and run.
-No more than TWO delegates per delegation may pre-file for office.
-Only ONE delegate from each school may pre-file for each respective office.
-No pre-convention campaigning. (2-3-24)
The OJCL is also giving out 2 half-scholarships and 1 full-scholarship for OJCL convention this year! Here is the link to the application. The deadline is also February 2nd. (1-21-24)
The OSCL is giving out 2 half-scholarships and 1 full-scholarship for OJCL convention this year! Here is the link to the application. The new deadline is February 2nd (changed from January 12). (1-11-24)
Join us for our regional Make a Difference Days!
North: Cleveland MetroParks–Saturday, November 11th (contact:
Central: Childhood League Center–Saturday, November 11th (contact:
South: Literacy Project–Sunday, January 28th (contact:
OCC/OJCL Fall Forum! Join us at Columbus Academy for a fun day of activities on Saturday, October 14th! Registration starts at 9:00 am and activities are from 9:25-5:00. The Keynote Speaker this year is Julie Berry (full schedule will be posted closer to the event). (9-7-23)
The position of OJCL Editor is now vacant because Natalie was elected NJCL 2VP! All students interested in applying for the position should fill out the application, it is due by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, September 12th. Please note: applicants will need parental and sponsor approval and will also need to send samples of their work to Parliamentarian Charlie Moser. Any questions should also be directed to Charlie. Applicants will be notified by September 18th, with the hope that the new editor can join us in Columbus for the Fall Planning meeting on September 23rd. (9-5-23)


Cincinnati bus to the Sat Oct 14 Fall Forum at Columbus Academy sign up.


OJCL Bus to NJCL interest form: Adults and students that are interested in/planning to attend NJCL convention this summer should complete this survey by April 5th. (3-16-23)

Going to NJCL convention at Emory University? Complete the 2023 OJCL scholarship to Nationals application! Due 11:59 P.M. on April 5, 2023. NJCL also has scholarships available for students and teachers (3-16-23)

Find the 1st Vice President Application here! Please read the top section of information carefully. Applications are due by 11:59pm on April 3rd. Questions about any of the applications for office should be sent to (3-16-23)

Find the applications for Gubernators and Editor/Historian here (3-13-23)!

  • Gubernator apps are due by 11:59pm on April 3rd
  • Ed/Hist apps are due by 11:59pm on April 18th


Updated Certamen match-ups and room assignments can be found here!

Sign up here for the breakout boxes!

Checkout the online version of the convention program, created by Secretary Ana Leyendecker! Be sure to read the descriptions of the colloquia being offered this year! (3-3-23)

Pre-Registration for Graphic Arts Contests is due Fri March 3 at 11:59 PM!  Pre-register your projects here:

OJCL’s Got Talent!  The talent at the Ohio Junior Classical league convention is amazing. Friday night auditions are 10:30-11:45, and Saturday’s show is 10 – 11:30 PM. Your acts should be school and JCL appropriate. Everyone is looking forward to your participation!  THERE WILL BE PRIZES (of some sort).  Fill out this google form to participate.  (2-24-23)
Going to convention? Fill out the Media Release and Conduct Form and give it to your sponsor! (2-24-23)
Following the Pre-File period, we have the following offices in a State of Emergency: Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. A State of Emergency occurs when there are fewer than two student candidates pre-filed for a particular office and some of the restrictions regarding who can run for office are dropped. Please click here for more information. (2-23-23)
Pre-Convention contests are due Feb 17.  Click here for the topics, rules, and links to submit the projects! (2-9-23)
Check out the SPIRIT THEMES and ROLL CALL GUIDELINES for convention! Email with questions! (1-26-23)
Pre-filing for office is now open! The deadline is February 17, 2023, at 11:59 PM. A couple of rules and reminders:
-You may not pre-file for an office that a member of your delegation currently holds-You MUST have permission from your sponsor and parent to pre-file and run (email permission is due February 17, 2023, at 11:59pm)-No more than TWO delegates per delegation may pre-file for office-Only ONE delegate from each school may pre-file for each respective office-No pre-convention campaigning-If you pre-file, you may not appear on stage, in your school’s Roll Call, or on OJCL social media posts until after convention in the interest of fairness. This also applies to students who sign up to run in a state-of-emergency. Exceptions include receiving awards and reporting on duties and is up to the discretion of the State Chairs
-2VP, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian all receive large amounts of stuff to bring home post-convention, so please have a plan in place to bring it all back with your delegation if elected (2VP brings awards and a lot more, Treasurer brings signs, Parliamentarian brings lanyards)
Questions? Please email Parliamentarian Wali Khan at


Seven Hills Certamen, Sat Jan 28, 9-11ish, the usual format (1-12-23)

2023 Topics for the State Convention! (11/16/22)

  • Music Video topic: Cincinnatus
  • Commercial topic: Sacred Chickens of Rome  
  • Monologue: Orpheus and Eurydice 
  • Comic Panel Story Telling: Asclepius 
  • Costume: A Journey to the Underworld: The Sixth Book of Virgil’s Aeneid  (N.B. Contestant(s) must choose a character from ancient Latin or Greek literature that relates to the theme above.  If students compete as a pair, the two characters they choose must have a connection to the theme and to each other)
  • Passages for Creative Arts Contests:
  • Dramatic Interpretation and the Recitation

This year most contests will be in person however, pre-convention contest remain unchanged as to how they will be submitted. For Creative Art, Monologue and English Oratory will take place before convention online similar to last year; all other creatives will be in person. Graphic Arts will be my judged in person. (11/16/22)

Central Region Make a Difference Day! This Saturday, November 12th from 8:45-Noon. Contact Central Guber Eva with questions!

OCC OJCL Fall Forum


Fall Forum Schedule

  • 9:00-9:25 Check In 
  • 9:25-9:45 Opening General Assembly
  • 10:00-11:00  Keynote Speaker George O’Connor
  • 11:00-1:00 Impromptu Art and Testing
    • 11:45-12:15 Snacks
  • 1:00-1:45 Lunch & Service
  • 1:45-3:00 Ludi (Olympika, Certudi, Ultimate Frisbee) 
  • 3:00-4:00 Open Certamen
  • 4:00-4:30 Colloquia 
    • 4:00-4:10 Colloquia Session 1 
    • 4:15-4:25 Colloquia Session 2
  • 4:30-5:00 Closing General Assembly & Awards
The applications for Gubernators (regional service-coordinators) have re-opened. Because there were no applicants in the first round, all schools are permitted to sponsor a student. The application is due by 11:59 pm on Monday 16 May and results will be announced following our meeting on May 23rd. Please email Parliamentarian Wali Khan with questions! (4-25-22)
2022 OJCL Scholarship to Nationals DEADLINE EXTENDED! Due 11:59 P.M. on April 8, 2022. (4-1-22)
Applications are now available for the appointed offices and the Treasurer vacancy! Here is the application for Treasurer and Gubernators, it is due by 11:59 pm on April 5th. Results will be announced on April 10th and appointees should plan to be at the change-over meeting in Columbus on April 23rd. Here is the application for Editor and Historian, it is due by 11:59 pm on April 14th. results will be announced on April 23rd. Contact Parliamentarian Wali Khan with questions! (3-27-22)
Going to NJCL Convention? Here is the information about the 2022 OJCL Scholarship to Nationals! Due 11:59 P.M. on April 1, 2022. (3-9-22)


If you are new to the Junior Classical League, learn more here.
News, Announcements, and Important Deadlines (Quid Novi?)
OJCL State Convention
NJCL Convention
Pre-Convention Projects
Club Contests
Graphic Arts
Creative Arts
Constitution, By-Laws, Officers
Ohio Senior Classical League


Sponsor Login
If you are interested in joining the Junior Classical League, learn more here.
News, Announcements, and Important Deadlines (Quid Novi?)
OJCL State Convention
NJCL Convention
Latin Leveling and Competition Rules
JCL Chapter Registration Information (from NJCL)
National Latin Honor Society Information
Learn how your students can earn scholarships through the JCL for up to the amount of $2500.