Summary of the 3 Regional Meetings in September 2011
29 teachers were in attendance: 13 in Cincinnati, 8 in Cleveland, and 6 in the newly named ‘Central Belt.’ This number is far greater than the attendance at the past few Fall Meetings in Columbus, so the change to 3 regional meetings is good and will continue in the future.
New teachers, new positions, new faces, new potential JCL schools:
- Alex Fries at Fenwick (Cincinnati) – back in JCL after brief hiatus following Carol Fedder’s retirement
- Brian Compton at Moeller (Cincinnati) – will energize the Latin program and be active in JCL
- Kathy Hammond at St. Ursula (Cincinnati) – replaces Kathleen Quinn
- Wayne Memmott at Notre Dame (Cincinnati) – moved from Lakota Freshman, will energize the Latin program and be active in JCL
- Kyle Lovett at Lakota Freshman (Cincinnati) – after some part-time work at Walnut Hills and St. Ursula, now back at his alma mater
- Kate Hattemer at Walnut Hills/River View East Academy (Cincinnati) – returns to her hometown after a few years at Flint Hill (VA), back part-time at her alma mater
- Derrick Fisher at Granville (Central Belt) – replaces Emilie St. Cyr
- Emelie St. Cyr at Wellington (Central Belt) – moved from Granville, will energize the Latin program and be active in JCL
- Meg Mateer at Brookwood Community Learning Center (Central Belt) – visited the convention last year with some students, is excited to be part of the JCL
- Katie Abrogast at Woodridge (Cleveland) – replaces Tom McCaffrey (after many years of dedicated service to the OJCL)
- Alex Kimmel at Lakewood (Cleveland) – hopefully, will join the JCL
- Christiane Baker at Worthington Kilbourne and Keith Day at Thomas Worthington plan to create a Worthington Schools JCL Chapter
- New faces: Three sponsors will be bringing new JCL’ers into the world: Sarah Elmore of Lakota West (I don’t know the due date), Rachel Kless of McAuley (Feb) and Jenn Bruening of Madeira (March). Io, Matres!!
Brian Compton of Moeller has submitted OH as the 2018 NJCL Convention site. It will be Miami, unless someone else puts together a proposal from another OH institution. He is also looking for a co-chair for the event.
All information about MADD and local certamina is posted on the OJCL website.
Students dues will increase in 2012-2013 from $1 to $2.
2012 OJCL Convention News:
- There will be a $5 increase in convention fees.
- Any OJCL Chapter can sell items at the Bazaar – ½ of the profits must go to the Convention Charity. Contact Larry Dean for details.
- Project Linus will be the service activity on Sat afternoon.
- There will be no activities outside of the hotel because of liability and logistics (sorry Central Belt).
- Central Belt Recommendations which will be discussed: some sort of Ludi games IN the hotel; more organized games/activities/fun to encourage interaction between delegations; Open Certamen (like at Nationals). With all of these proposals, it is a question of when and where.
- ‘JCL’s Got Talent!’ will be expanded and replace the dance on Sat night. Encourage your students to compete in the tryouts Fri night and to attend the event on Sat night.
- The special topic for the history test (which will be 15 of the 75 questions) will be ‘Caesar/1st Triumvirate.’ Todd Wegenhart of Wyoming (Academic Tests Chair) will soon be providing a short study guide. All questions will come directly from the guide so that students have a finite amount of material for the test and so that they can learn more about JC and the 1st Triumvirate. I will be posting this guide to the website for easy access.
- All agree to the new judging procedures. A few important comments: 3 judges for each graphic art will judge together – Cleveland recommended that a Latin teacher be 1 of the members of each group; disqualified projects will have a note explaining the disqualification and will NOT appear on the school report – Cleveland recommended a card with the top 5 reasons for disqualification so that the judges could merely check a box in most cases
- Send Jenn Bruening of Madeira pictures of graphic arts & club projects so that she can begin a photo gallery on the website which demonstrates a good quality project or 2 from each category.
- OJCL Convention 2013 and all future conventions will be in MID-MARCH – Fri March 8 – Sun March 10 2013.