Each year, the OJCL hosts a convention in Columbus which brings together over 800 students, teachers, and parents from across the state of Ohio to celebrate the study of Latin. There are a variety of competitive activities at the convention: academic tests, art contests, certamen, and creative performances (in both English and Latin). In addition, the convention offers a number of social activities, including a dance, a toga banquet, and OJCL’s Got Talent! State Convention is also an opportunity for students to run for the OJCL Executive Board. Delegations compete in various contests to win prizes and recognition in Overall and Per Capita.
Future Convention Dates
March 7-9, 2025
Crowne Plaza Columbus-North Worthington
Convention Theme:
vivamus, moriendum est
“Let us live, for we must die”
(Seneca, Declamations 2.VI)
Convention Contests
Important 2025 Convention Deadlines
March 8-10, 2024
Crowne Plaza Columbus-North Worthington
Convention Theme:
leve fit, quod bene fertur, onus
“The burden is light if you know how to support it”
(Ovid, Amores 1.2.10)
Gubernator applications for 2024-2025 are available, they are due March 26th. They will be voted on and notified on April 1st prior to our changeover meeting. Editor and Historian applications are also available will be due on April 12th. (updated 3-15-24)
Check out the website version of the program, created by Secretary Sabrina Bong, to get an idea for contest times and colloquia topics! (Make sure you double check times/locations in your print version when you get to convention!)
Students and their parents must complete the Media Release and Conduct form and return it to their sponsors prior to attending convention. NEW this year, sponsors and SCL have their own release.
OJCL’s Got Talent! The talent at the Ohio Junior Classical league convention is amazing. Friday night auditions are 10:30-11:45 PM, and Saturday’s show is 9:30-11:00 PM. Your acts should be school and JCL appropriate. Everyone is looking forward to your participation! THERE WILL BE PRIZES (of some sort). Sign up for OJCL’s Got Talent!
Check out the SPIRIT THEMES and ROLL CALL GUIDELINES for convention! Email treasurer@ojcl.org with questions!
Does your club want to sell merchandise at convention? Sign-up here!
The new Constitution that was presented last convention will be on the ballot for adoption following this convention (the By-Laws were approved by the board in January). The new documents more accurately reflect the true responsibilities of the officers and State Chairs as well as our status as a non-profit organization. Clubs should review the documents and email parliamentarian@ojcl.org with questions.
Kenna Scott (Member at Large)
Caroline Critzer (St. Ursula)
Ava Grace (Madeira)
Darby Crilly (Bexley)
Dylan McIntyre (Mariemont)
Olivia Biernat (Mt. Notre Dame)
1/8/24: Amendments due1/13/24: Winter Planning Meeting- 2
/2/24: Convention registration closes 2/9/24: Creative arts registration closes2/9/24: 50% of convention costs due2/16/24: Preconvention contests due2/16/24: 100% convention reimbursement2/23/24: Officer prefile forms due3/1/24: Certamen registration closes3/1/24: 50% convention reimbursement3/2/24: Monologue and English Oratory judging on Zoom3/7/24: Graphic arts registration closes- 3/8/24 – 3/10/23: 2024 OJCL State Convention! (bring 100% of convention payment)