2023 awards booklet – final version

Article about 2023 OJCL Convention

Full Results for All Students at the 2023 Convention

Google folder with all sorts of pix from convention and the celebration in Flannery 

The Summit Latin Club officers completed 2 group projects for convention.

State Chair Tullus Dean waves to his adoring fans.  Even the shark is pleased.

Links from 2022-2023

6th grade: award winners for all 3 contests (Pegasus Myth, Exploratory Latin, Classical Literacy) – a few new names have been added to the CLE

7th-12th grades: 2023 awards booklet – final version

Application for the Latin Honor Society – due Wed April 19

Latin Awards Required Online Sign Up

Latin Awards – yes, I can help with cookies/water!

Information about the National Convention at Emory University (Atlanta GA), July 23-28


Article about 2023 OJCL Convention

Full Results for All Students at the 2023 Convention

Google folder with all sorts of pix from convention and the celebration in Flannery 


The Summit Latin Club officers completed 2 group projects for convention.


Links from 2021-2022

2022 State Latin Convention:  article on certamen and leadership  article on awards

2022 Summit entry for Commercial, Ancient Olympics is the theme – written and directed by Katie Dobelhoff, edited by Jimmy Fraley – earned the top ranking of SUPERIOR!

2022 Summit entry for Music Video, Infinitives are the theme – written and sung by Ana Layendecker, edited by Jimmy Fraley – earned the top ranking of SUPERIOR!

2022 Summit Scrapbook, by Mia Rahner – earned the top ranking of SUPERIOR!

Last year’s Vox Latina (Latin Club Newsletter) by Ana Leyendeck and Mia Rahner

Other Links

Links from 2022-2023

6th grade: award winners for all 3 contests (Pegasus Myth, Exploratory Latin, Classical Literacy) – a few new names have been added to the CLE

7th-12th grades: 2023 awards booklet – final version

Application for the Latin Honor Society – due Wed April 19

Latin Awards Required Online Sign Up

Latin Awards – yes, I can help with cookies/water!

Information about the National Convention at Emory University (Atlanta GA), July 23-28


Article about 2023 OJCL Convention

Full Results for All Students at the 2023 Convention

Google folder with all sorts of pix from convention and the celebration in Flannery 


The Summit Latin Club officers completed 2 group projects for convention.


Links from 2021-2022

2022 State Latin Convention:  article on certamen and leadership  article on awards

2022 Summit entry for Commercial, Ancient Olympics is the theme – written and directed by Katie Dobelhoff, edited by Jimmy Fraley – earned the top ranking of SUPERIOR!

2022 Summit entry for Music Video, Infinitives are the theme – written and sung by Ana Layendecker, edited by Jimmy Fraley – earned the top ranking of SUPERIOR!

2022 Summit Scrapbook, by Mia Rahner – earned the top ranking of SUPERIOR!

Last year’s Vox Latina (Latin Club Newsletter) by Ana Leyendeck and Mia Rahner

Other Links