News by year:
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012
This page is for older news, starting from 2012 and ending at 2021. Each post is dated at the end to indicate when it was written. To view news from more this year and last year, view this page.
2022 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
Central Region Make a Difference Day! This Saturday, November 12th from 8:45-Noon. Contact Central Guber Eva with questions!
OCC OJCL Fall Forum
- Saturday, Oct. 15 at the Columbus Academy (4300 Cherry Bottom Road, Gahanna, OH 43230)
- Featured speaker: Mr. George O’Connor 10 AM -11 AM
- Qs about events: Emelie Inderhees
- Qs about directions etc: Christy Bening
- Registration at 9:30 AM
- campus map. building #17, with arking in lots adjacent to building #17
- Click here to sign up for the Cincinnati bus going to Fall Forum!
The applications for Gubernators (regional service-coordinators) have re-opened. Because there were no applicants in the first round, all schools are permitted to sponsor a student. The application is due by 11:59 pm on Monday 16 May and results will be announced following our meeting on May 23rd. Please email Parliamentarian Wali Khan with questions! (4-25-22)
2022 OJCL Scholarship to Nationals DEADLINE EXTENDED! Due 11:59 P.M. on April 8, 2022. (4-1-22)
2021 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
- Shaker/North pod cancelled; please join us from home!
- Columbus Academy is hosting all Central Latin students. Please fill out this online sign up if you will be attending:
- Summit is hosting all Cincinnati Latin students. Please fill out this online sign up if you will be attending:
2020 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
- -Delegates may not apply for a position that their chapter currently holds.
- -Delegates MUST have permission from their sponsor and their parent to apply.
- -Only ONE delegate from each school may apply for each office.
- -The deadline for submitting an application is Tuesday, September 15th 11:59 pm
Campaigning Rules: Failure to abide by all rules may result in disqualification, so please read these carefully and email Krish with questions!
- If you feel like you need to ask, ask or don’t do it
- No campaigning until after Nom Com
- No stickers (to protect the hotel)
- All campaigning must be positive!
- All campaign materials must be pre-approved by the State Chair and the Parliamentarian
- Spending limit of $50, bring receipts to Nom Com!
- Keep in mind that all ‘donated’ materials will be counted towards the $50 spending limit. This includes posters and paper previously purchased as well as any printing/copying that you do at home or school. These materials will be assessed at the lesser price between and Staples on the day of Nom Com. As of January ’20, Staples charged $.60 for color copies and $.12 for black and white
- Although you may use social media, Airdrop may not be used to spread materials in any capacity
- You may not interfere with the campaigns of others
- All evidence of your campaign must be removed before the Third General Assembly (to keep the hotel clean)
- Candidates must attend Nom Com and Meet the Candidates
Winter Service Events: North: TBA The Central Region will be coming together to bake bread, make Project Linus squares, and play some certamen on MLK Day! Here is the flyer for more information! (1-17-20) The South Winter Service Event is on Saturday, February 22 at 11:00 AM at Crayons to Computers! Please RSVP at this link and click here for the flyer! (1-16-20) OSCL Packet Award Results: Full Packet Award: She’miah Irvin, Walnut Hills, Half Packet Award: Michael Hall, Summit Country Day, Half Packet Award: John Paul Schuette, Moeller (1-16-20) The spirit themes for the 2020 OJCL Convention are out now, they are: Friday-Convention Theme (Club T-shirts), Saturday-Rome on the Range (Farms), Sunday-Tides of March (Beach/Ocean)! The Spirit Rubric is also out now! (1-11-20) The 2020 OJCL Convention Roll Call Guidelines are here! (1-11-20)
2019 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
The OSCL Packet Award application is here, and it is due by 11:59 PM on January 8, 2020. They are offering 2 half-scholarships and 1 full-scholarship to the 2020 OJCL Convention. (12-9-19) The 2019 Fall Torch by Editor Hannah Shane is here! Check out all the great articles! (11-22-19) Make a Difference Days North: We will be cooking and serving dinner at the Ronald McDonald House! Date: Sunday, November 3, 2019 Address: 10415 Euclid Avenue. There are a limited number of spots for this event, so please RSVP as soon as you can using this link: Here is the North MADD flyer for more info! (10-17-19) Central: We will be distributing clothing from the Childhood League Clothing Drive! Date: Saturday, November 16, 2019 Address: 674 Cleveland Avenue. Check out this flyer for Central MADD with more info! (10-17-19) South: We will be assisting Cincinnati Parks staff in removing invasive species in Alms Park! Date: Saturday, November 16, 2019 Address: 710 Tusculum Avenue. Take a look at the South MADD flyer for details! (10-17-19) Schools should fill out our new contact form with updated officer information; all officers can be entered at once into the form (9-25-19) Please click here to access a survey to select where the South Make A Difference Day will be held this year! (9-23-19) Fall Forum will again be hosted at Columbus Academy on October 12th from 9am-5pm! A fun ‘mini-convention’ with lectures by college professors, an academic test, impromptu art, certamen, Ultimate frisbee & Capture the Flag, and more (including certudi)! Bring $5 for pizza lunch. Events will happen concurrently with the Ohio Classical Conference. Check out the OCC flier! (9-3-19) CINCINNATI BUS to Fall Forum–bring another $5 for the bus.
- You must do the online sign up to guarantee a spot on the bus.
- The bus will leave Summit at 6:45 am.
- It will then leave Columbus Academy around 5 pm and arrive back at Summit around 7 pm. I will have students text parents when we are about 40 minutes from school.
- A check for $5, made out to Summit, can be handed to me as the student boards the bus. (Larry Dean, 9-11-19)
Interested in becoming a member of the OJCL Executive Board? Consider applying for the position of Editor or Historian! Here is the form to apply. It is due by 11:59 P.M. on Tuesday, April 30. (4-6-19)
Here are the NJCL T-Shirt Design Contest Guidelines! Submissions are due by 11:59 P.M. on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 to! (3-25-19)
Going to NJCL Convention? Here is the information about the 2019 OJCL Scholarship to Nationals! Due 11:59 P.M. on April 5, 2019. (3-7-19)
The 2019 OJCL Spring Torch is out! Check it out here! (6-3-19) We hope you are excited for NJCL Convention! It is from Friday, July 26 to Wednesday, July 31. The flight from Cincinnati will leave early in the morning on Thursday, July 25, and the flight from Fargo will leave early in the morning on Wednesday, July 31. Here are the flights which Larry Dean is taking. Students are not required to take these flights, but he will chaperone any students who are on these flights. Certamen in the spring? Euge! The Ursuline certamen is Saturday, April 6th! Registration starts at 9:00 AM, play begins around 9:30 AM, and everything should be wrapped up by about noon. (4-4-19) The OJCL Sponsors’ Meeting is Saturday, April 6th from 10:30am-12:15pm at The Wellington School. (3-28-19) Convention registration (completed by sponsors): January 18, 2019 Pre-Convention Contests due (completed by students): Friday, January 25, 2019 Winter Torch submissions: Friday, January 25, 2019 Candidate PreFile (This link is no longer active 3-27-19) (completed by students): Sunday, February 24, 2019 Creative Arts & Certamen registration (completed by sponsors): March 1, 2019 Graphic Arts registration (online, completed by students): March 5, 2019 Roll Call submission: March 7, 2019, 11:59pm. Treasurer Katlyn Havlin is proud to release the 2019 OJCL Convention Spirit Themes! (This link is no longer active 3-27-19) (2-6-19) Join us for “Coffee and the Classics,” a special event in conjunction with the University of Cincinnati, on February 9 2019. For more information, please see the attached flyer. (1-31-19) Register for the “Bazaagora” here! (This link is no longer active 3-27-19) (1-28-19) Have you ever wanted to give a speech at Convention? Submit to the Speech Contest! Deadline is February 25th. (1-27-19) Parliamentarian Marcus Grewal is pleased to release the 2019 OJCL Executive Board Candidate PreFile (This link is no longer active 3-27-19) form. The deadline is Sunday, February 24, 2019. (1-20-19) Congratulations to this year’s OSCL Book and Packet Award winners! They are:
View the Fall Service of the Season Contest results here ! (1-12-19) Editor, Allie Hinnenkamp, is now accepting articles to be featured in the Winter Edition of the Torch! These articles can be on any topic, as long as they connect to the OJCL or the Classics. Articles should be about 200-600 words long in length (150-450 for chapter updates), and sent to by January 25. (1-7-19) The OSCL is now accepting applications for its annual scholarship to attend the OJCL convention. The application is at the following link: (This link is no longer active 3-27-19). Please email the OSCL board if there are any questions or issues! Applications are due 1/10 (1-4-19)
2018 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
Make a Difference Day Events:
- South: Trail restoration at California Woods Nature Preserve on October 20 from 12:30pm-3:30pm; view flier for more information and fill out this permission slip.
- Central: TBA
- North: Park cleanup at Buckeye Woods Park on October 20 from 10am-2pm; view flier for more information. (10/3/18)
Sat Oct 6, 9 am – 5 pm: ‘Fall Forum’ at Columbus Academy – it is a fun ‘mini-convention’ with an interactive lecture, academic test, impromptu art, certamen, Ultimate frisbee & Capture the Flag, and more! Bring $5 for pizza lunch and another $5 for the bus.
- Fall Forum Flier with information
- OCC-OJCL FALL FORUM 2018 Schedule
- You must do the
online sign up(This link is no longer active 3-27-19) to guarantee a spot on the Cincinnati bus to Columbus Academy. - The bus will leave Summit at 6:45 am.
- It will then leave Columbus Academy around 5 pm and arrive back at Summit around 8 pm.
- A check for $5, made out to Summit, can be handed to Mr. Dean as the student boards the bus.
- You must do the
online sign up(This link is no longer active 3-27-19) to guarantee a spot. - It will leave Summit at 6:45 am.
- It will then leave Columbus Academy around 6 pm and arrive back at Summit around 8 pm.
- A check for $5, made out to Summit, can be handed to me as the student boards the bus.
- The South pre-nationals picnic will take place on July 14 from 1PM-3PM at the pavilion in Ault Park. View the flier for more details and email with any questions.
- The Central pre-nationals picnic will take place on June 16 from 6PM-8PM at Sharon Woods Park. View the flier for more details and email with any questions.
- The North pre-nationals picnic will take place on June 22 from 12PM-3:30PM at Lakewood Park. View the flier for more details and email with any questions.
NJCL T-shirt design contest 2018! We are seeking the best designs from across the state of Ohio to help design this year’s shirt for Nationals at Miami University! Enter for the opportunity to see your own design on our state t-shirt! Read over the rules and guidelines, and send submissions to Treasurer Katlyn Havlin at On Tuesday, April 10th 2018, The OJCL community suffered an immense tragedy with the passing of Seven Hills student Kyle Plush. Charlie Dwight, Seven Hills Latin Club president, wrote the following about Kyle: Ave Atque Vale, Kyle “And in the end it’s not the years in your life that count; it’s the life in your years.” On April 10th, 2018, the Seven Hills community and Latin Club suffered a tremendous loss. Sophomore Kyle Plush passed away in a tragic accident. However, the 16 short years he was alive — and certainly the three years he participated in our Latin Club — were filled with an infinite amount of enthusiasm, energy, and pure joy. Every question he asked brought us laughter, every suggestion he made brought us improvement, and every smile that lit up his face brought us happiness. Kyle was also remarkably intelligent. Everyone appreciated his extraordinary memory — as only a freshman, he got the highest score of our entire club on the OJCL Mythology test. There was no class he did not participate in, no teacher he did not impress, and no discussion that was not improved by his insightful comments.But what truly defined Kyle was the passion and enthusiasm with which he tackled everything he did. He spent hours reading D’Aulaire’s and Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. He showed up to every club meeting, worked on every club project, and constantly asked if there was anything else he could do to help.No matter the situation, Kyle could always improve your day: with a smile, a laugh, and a “Hello!” in the hallway. We will all be forever grateful that Kyle was a part of our lives. (4-15-18) The UC Classics Club and Department are once again hosting their annual Homerathon, a live reading of selections from the Iliad and the Odyssey on Saturday, April 14th from 10am-3pm on Blegen Lawn. The day will also feature tours of our study collection and our world-renowned library as well as games! Pizza will be provided, although bringing a dish to share (chips, cookies, etc.) is encouraged. Here is the flyer, and here is a link to our event page on facebook where the most up-to-date information will be posted (including the schedule as soon as it is finalized!). (4/5/18) Bored now that Convention is over? Want to make charity cards to win prize money for your club? Participate in the OJCL Card Drive for Hospitalized Kids! Send cards by Monday, April 16 for your chapter to be considered for a cash prize. See the flier for details here. 5 of the positions on the Executive Board are appointed: Editor, Historian, and the Gubernators for the North, Central, and South regions. We encourage students to apply for these offices! Members of the newly elected Executive Board and the appointed positions from last year’s board (i.e. Editor, Historian, and the Gubernators) will appoint members to these offices. (3/16/18)
- To apply for one of the Gubernators,
click here and fill out the form.(This link is no longer live 3-27-19) - To apply for the Editor and Historian,
click here and fill out the form.(This link is no longer live 3-27-19) - To find out more about the duties of these positions please review Article 5 of the By-Laws.
The deadline to apply for a Gubernator position is Friday, March 30. The deadline to apply for Editor or Historian is Friday, April 14. BREAK OUT ROOM SIGN UP If you would like to sign up for the break out room sessions (think Locked in a Room with a Zombie, but Classically themed… and no zombies), please sign up in the links below! There are two sessions, both late on Saturday night. A student may only do one. There is a limit to 32 students per session; the form will let you know if 32 have already signed up for a session. (3-5-18)
- Link to Sign up for Session 1: link is no longer live 3-27-19) - Link to sign up for Session 2: link is no longer live 3-27-19)
Pre-Registration for Graphic Arts Contests is due March 5, tonight at 11:59 PM! Pre-register your projects now: (3-5-18) The OFFICIAL program for the 68th Convention of the Ohio Junior Classical League, made by Secretary Jason Suh, has been released! Check it out here. (2-28-18) Do you have merchandise that you want to sell? Do you need to raise extra funds for your club? Do you have another fun, awesome item you want people to see? Participate in the OJCL Bazaar! Sign up here! (This link is no longer live 3-27-19) (2-27-18) Editor Taylor McGowan releases the the Winter 2018 Edition of the OJCL Torch! View it here on Joomag. (2-24-18)
- Features an invitation to States, convention advice, anecdotes from past events, and so much more!
- A special thank you to NJCL Parliamentarian Sarah Lee, NJCL Historian Ana Ohnersorgen, NJCL Editor Jade Woods, and New Mexico JCL 1st Vice President Garrett Frye-Mason for submitting articles. We appreciate the contributions from all over the country!
- Guest writers: NJCL Communications Coordinator Lynn Ahrens, Craig Bush, Patrick Casanas, Davis DeFoor, Richard Garber, Katlyn Havlin, Elizabeth Mushaben, and Connie Nelson. Thank you for submitting articles!
ROLL CALL SUBMISSIONS are due MARCH 8TH to Check out the 2018 Roll Call Guidelines here! (2-23-18) Historian Ellie Kammerer releases her Historian Guide! This information is useful for historians on both the local and state level. Check it out here! (2-13-18) Saturday, Feb 24, 9:00-11:30 am – Last Cincinnati certamen before the State Championship at the OJCL Convention at Mt. Notre Dame! See flier here. (2-11-18) Congratulations to Katlyn Havlin of McAuley High School for winning our Photo of the Season contest for Winter! View the full list of winners for Winter here, and be sure to submit your Spring submissions by May 16th. (2-8-18) State Convention: 2018 OJCL Media Release and Conduct Form – required! Turn the form into your Latin teacher. (2-7-18) February 10, 9 am – 11:30 am: 22nd Annual Summit Certamen – please bring certamen machines. See flier here. (2-7-18) View the 2018 OJCL Spirit Rules and 2018 Roll Call Rules here! Please remember that your Roll Call will need to be pre-approved before you present it at State Convention. (1-28-18) Photo of the Season submissions are due by January 27. Send submissions to Historian Ellie Kammerer (, and refer to the Photo of the Season page for more information. (1-17-18) The Pre-file form for candidates running for the 2018-2019 OJCL Executive Board is now live. Click here to complete the form. (The link is no longer live.) Please consult the Constitution and By-Laws – there are changes to duties of certain offices. The deadline is February 18. Contact Parliamentarian Julia Dean ( if you have any further questions or concerns. (1-14-18) Download a flier for State Convention here. (1-14-18) The OJCL Speech Contest deadline has been extended to Saturday, February 17. Additionally, those delegates introducing candidates for office are now ALLOWED to join the contest. View the rules here, bearing in mind these changes. Contact 1st Vice President Caroline Klette ( with any questions. (1-11-18, updated 2-13-18) The Classics Department of the University of Cincinnati is accepting applications for the Semple Scholarship. The deadline is January 25, 2018. Click here for the application. (1-10-18) Official minutes of the OJCL Winter Planning Meeting by Secretary Jason Suh. (1-6-18) Columbus Academy’s annual MLK Day Project Linus event is on January 15! Blankets will be made for hospitalized children. Contact Central Gubernator Marcus Grewal ( for any questions. More details on this flier. (1-6-18) On Saturday, January 27 from 9:00-12:00, the Seven Hills Certamen will take place! See flier for more details and directions. (1-5-18) Important dates to start the New Year (1-1-18):
- January 4, 2018: Deadline for submission of Constitutional amendments
- January 15, 2018: Deadline for Winter Torch article submissions
- January 27, 2018: Photo of the Season submission deadline
- February 1, 2018: Deadline for NJCL membership without late fee
- February 3, 2018: Pre-Convention project submission deadline AND Convention registration deadline
- February 7, 2018: Postmark deadline for paying only 50% of Convention cost
- February 18, 2018: Prefile for the OJCL Executive Board deadline
- March 2, 2018: Creative Contest registration deadline
- March 5, 2018: Graphic Arts project pre-registration deadline
- March 8, 2018: Roll Call Pre-Approval deadline
- March 9, 2018: Beginning of 2018 OJCL Convention; 100% of Convention cost due
2017 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
Congratulations to the following students for earning the Ohio Senior Classical League Scholarships for Convention! (12-31-17)
- Full Scholarship: Katlyn Havlin (McAuley)
- Half Scholarships: Nyomi Morris (Beaumont) & Maliah Bricking (Summit)
Saturday, January 6, 9:00 – 12:00: Xavier University Certamen – see flier for more details. And yes, there will be pizza afterwards! (12-11-17) Intro to Latin and Latin I-III students have the opportunity to take the Classical Literacy Exam and the new Classical Scholar’s Exam, which focuses exclusively on Homer’s Odyssey. Read more here. (12-10-17) High School Seniors! Did you know that many colleges in Ohio offer classical scholarships? Did you know that the JCL has many scholarships available? Check them out here: (12-10-17) The OSCL is now accepting applications for its annual scholarship to attend the OJCL convention. The application is at the following link: (This link is no longer live 3-27-19). Please email the OSCL board if there are any questions or issues! Applications are due 12/20, and award recipients will be selected before the new year. (12-4-17) Editor Taylor McGowan opens submissions for the Winter Edition of the OJCL Torch. View the guidelines below. (11-26-17)
- Submissions should be 650 words or less.
- Include a title, along with your last name and school (e.g. “Creative Title: McGowan, Columbus Academy”).
- Submissions should be in PDF format. (Do not share articles via Google Docs – numerous technical issues)
- Please include any accompanying photos as separate attachments.
- If you are a club officer, please inform the Editor of your club office as well as the school you attend. — If you are a state officer outside of the OJCL, please inform the Editor of your state office.
- Submit to
The OJCL would like to thank everyone who came to the Make A Difference Day events this year! Check out the Community Service page for articles about what happened in each region from Gubernators Marcus Grewal, Owen Kranz, and Hanna Zandvakili. (11-24-17) Update: The North MADD has been rescheduled for Saturday, November 18 from 9 AM-12 PM! See the flier from North Gubernator Owen Kranz for more details. (11-9-17) Treasurer Grant Bruner releases the 2018 Spirit Themes for State Convention. The three themes are Club T-shirts, Romans at the Races, and Cinema Romana! View the 2018 OJCL Spirit Rules here. (11-7-17) November 4: 9-11ish am, UC Certamen: flier with information about where to park and where to go – THIS WILL INCLUDE FREE PIZZA AND A COOL PERFORMANCE ABOUT THE ODYSSEY RIGHT AFTER THE CERTAMEN. (11-3-17) Historian Ellie Kammerer announces the first winner of Photo of the Season: Congratulations to Kimberly Dryden of Saint Ursula Academy for winning our Photo of the Season contest for Fall! View the full list of winners for Fall here, and be sure to enter your Winter submissions by January 17th. (10-20-17) Reminder: The South MADD is on November 11 from 1:30-4:30 PM at California Woods Nature Preserve. Please fill out this permission slip. | See the flier from South Gubernator Hanna Zandvakili for more details! (10-20-17) The OJCL Executive Board would like to thank everyone who attended our 2nd Annual Fall Forum! Pictures from the event, courtesy of Historian Ellie Kammerer, are being uploaded on our Flickr account. (10-8-17) Editor Taylor McGowan has released the 2017 Fall Edition of the OJCL Torch! (10-7-17)
- Features an invitation to the 2nd Annual Fall Forum from President Joseph Delamerced, details about the new Photo of the Season contest, information about classical archaeology in Ohio, multiple chapter updates, and more!
- A special thank you to New Mexico JCL 1st Vice President Garrett Frye-Mason, Louisiana JCL Editor Alex Morgan NJCL Historian Eric Wang, and Nevada JCL Co-President Joshua Ocampo for submitting articles. We appreciate the contributions from all over the country!
- Guest writers: Abby Almaguer, John Brady, Patrick Casanas, Chlole Constantinides, Gwyneth Fletcher, Hannah Frame, Katlyn Havlin, Megan Johnson, Morgan McGee, Elizabeth Mushaben. Thank you for submitting articles!
On November 12, Shaker Heights will host an Open Certamen! Contact for more details or questions. (9-27-17) Fall Forum: Athens Besieged! Want to be part of the game simulation Athens Besieged at the Fall Forum? It will be a fun and interactive approach to the ancient city Athens. You need to sign up to receive materials a few days before the Fall Forum so that you are ready to play! If you are familiar with the NJCL Roman Murder Mystery!, you’ll love Athens Besieged. Registration is now closed as of 10-3-17. (9-25-17) Fall Forum is on Saturday, October 7 at the Columbus Academy! Open Certamen, Ludi, Election Colloquia, and more: see the program of events here. Click here to download a flier made by Secretary Jason Suh. (9-16-17) Make A Difference Day Schedule (released 9-16-17):
- Central: September 30 at Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Pumpkinpalooza from 12:30-4:30 PM. View the flier for more details! Contact person: Central Gubernator Marcus Grewal (
- South: November 11 at California Woods Nature Preserve for trail preparation and habitat restoration. Please fill out this permission slip. | View the flier with more details! Contact person: South Gubernator Hanna Zandvakili (
- North: November 18 at King’s Church for packaging and distribution of food to families in need. View the flier for more details! Contact person: North Gubernator Owen Kranz (
Check out the Digital Scrapbook for the 2017 OJCL created by former Historian Caroline Klette! (8-31-17) Seven local South Ohio Certamina are scheduled for the 2017-2018 school year! All are on Saturday morning, with registration beginning at 9 am. The competition begins around 9:30 and ends around 11:30. Fliers (with directions!) will be posted 1-2 weeks before the Certamen. (8-30-17)
- September 23 – Moeller Open Certamen (N.B. Open Certamen means that students from different schools will be randomly placed on teams.)
- November 4 – University of Cincinnati – followed by free pizza(!) and free Odyssey performance(!!!) by Joe Goodkin
- December 2 – Miami University
- January 6 – Xavier University
- January 27 – Seven Hills
- February 10 – Summit Country Day
- February 24 – Mt. Notre Dame
New year, new Latin Club! Please read and fill out this Latin Club contact information sheet and email the completed form to President Joseph Delamerced at (8-21-17) Editor Taylor McGowan is accepting articles to the Fall edition of the OJCL Torch! Email your articles! (7-8-17) Historian Ellie Kammerer has released a brand-new contest: Photo of the Season! Click here to view the rules. Enter every season for a chance to earn CASH PRIZES and STATEWIDE RECOGNITION! (7-1-17) Historian Ellie Kammerer has uploaded almost 1000 photos from NJCL 2017 at Troy University! Click here to view them. (6-31-17) The office of Secretary is vacant. Click here to apply. (This link is no longer live 3-27-19) Deadline is September 1. (6-31-17) For those people going to Nationals, here is the link to order the spirit package (state t-shirts + materials for spirit), only $15: Ohio Junior Classical League National Spirit Package 2017. Editor Lynn Ahrens has released her final edition of the OJCL Torch!
- Features winning Pre-Convention contests, a “Greetings from Rome”, an invitation to NJCL Convention by the NJCL President, and a college corner about Ohio State University’s Classics Program!
- B.: Joomag works on mobile!
- A special thank you to NJCL President Lyle Seeligson, NJCL Historian Eric Wang, and VJCL President Alyssa Funai for submitting articles! We appreciate the contributions from all over the country!
- Guest writers: Richard Garber, Sophia Jacobs, and Sara Zandvakili. Thank you for submitting articles!
Excited for Nationals? Watch this 30-second video with clips from the National Convention at IU! (5-22-17) NJCL T-shirt Contest! We are seeking the best designs from across the state of Ohio to help design this year’s shirt for Nationals at Troy University! Enter for the opportunity to see your own design on our state t-shirt! Read over the rules and guidelines, and send submissions to Treasurer Grant Bruner at (5-20-17) Pre-Nationals picnics have been a long-held tradition of the OJCL. Every year before Nationals, OJCLers eat food together, play games, and prepare for spirit. OJCL officers will also be at the picnics in all regions, so we encourage you to come out! (posted 5-20-17) North Region Pre-Nationals Picnic:
- Saturday, July 8 at the field by the Upper West Pavilion in Edgewater Park, 1-3 PM
- Flier!
- Contact person: North Gubernator Owen Kranz –
Central Region Pre-Nationals Picnic:
- Saturday, July 15 at the Outdoor Learning Center at Columbus Academy, 11 AM-2 PM
- Flier!
- Parking map!
- Contact person: Central Gubernator Marcus Grewal –
South Region Pre-Nationals Picnic:
- Saturday, June 17 at the first shelter on the left of the circle in Ault Park, 1-3 PM
- Flier!
- Contact person: South Gubernator Hanna Zandvakili –
Info about the Cincinnati bus to/from Troy University: Larry Dean (513-502-0108, is organizing a Cincinnati bus to/from Troy University (AL) for the 2017 NJCL Convention. 2 THINGS ARE REQUIRED: SIGN UP GENIUS ( (This link is no longer active 3-27-19) AND THE CHECK FOR $154.50.
- NO SPOT IS RESERVED UNTIL I RECEIVE THE CHECK TO OJCL – teachers/adults ride for free
- 56 seats are on the charter bus
- The bus will leave Summit on Sun July 23 at 7 am.
- The bus will leave Troy University on Sat July 29 at 9 am.
- Cost: send a check for $154.50 made out to ‘Ohio Junior Classical League’ to ‘3098 Losantiville Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45213.’
- You will need to sign up for the Pre-Convention Housing ($50) for Sun July 29 at Troy University.
Info about the Cleveland/Columbus transportion to/from Troy University:
- Frontier flight on Sunday July 23: F9 1364, leaving Cleveland at 2:14 pm, arriving Atlanta 4:12. Contact Nora Murphy with questions:
- Delta flights on Saturday, July 29: to Cleveland leaving at 12:30 to Columbus leaving at 12:55
- Chartered bus from Atlanta to Troy and back. Contact Daniel Cavoli if you want a spot on the bus –
Congratulations to St. Ursula Academy for winning our National Classics Week Contest and being awarded a $75 gift card to a restaurant of their choice! (5-11-17) OJCL 1st VP Caroline Klette announces the National Classics Week Contests! Winning club will receive $75 for a pizza/dessert celebration! Click here to view the activities for each day from April 21-27. (4-19-17) SAVE THE DATE! The 2nd Annual Fall Forum will be held on Saturday, October 7 at the Columbus Academy! This is to be held in conjunction with the Ohio Classical Conference Annual Meeting (CEUs available for teachers). (3-31-17) Come to a celebration of Homer on Saturday, April 1 from 11 am – 4 pm, at the University of Cincinnati. Here is the flier with information about the marathon reading and tours of the ancient material collection at UC and much more! To apply for the vacant office of North Gubernator, click here and fill out the form (This link is no longer active 3-27-19) by Thursday, March 30. Please contact with any questions. When applying, please review our Constitution and By-Laws. (3-19-17) Click here to view photos from the 2017 OJCL State Convention, which have been uploaded on our Flickr account. (3-17-17) Congratulations to all the winners of the $100 NJCL Convention Scholarships sponsored by the OJCL! More than the standard 10 scholarships were able to awarded due to the quality of applications and additional funds in the OJCL Student Account. Click here for a full list of recipients. (3-14-17) 2017 National Convention (3-4-17):
- Click here for information about the national convention, including how to register and the cost.
- Click here for information about the Summer Latin Program at Summit – this is especially good for students interested in certamen.
- Click here for information about tryouts for the OH Competitive Certamen teams.
- Apply for 1 of 10 $100 scholarships to the 2017 NJCL Convention. Click here for the application. Deadline is March 10.
To apply for the vacant office of Parliamentarian,click here and fill out the form (This link is no longer active 3-27-19). Please contact with any questions. When applying, please review our Constitution and By-Laws. (3-3-17) 6 of the positions on the Executive Board are appointed: Editor, Historian, and the Gubernators for the North, Central, and South regions. We encourage you to apply for these offices! Members of the newly elected Executive Board and the appointed positions from last year’s board (i.e. Editor, Historian, and the Gubernators) will appoint members to these offices. To apply for one of the appointed positions, click here and fill out the form (This link is no longer active 3-27-19). When applying, please review our Constitution and By-Laws. (3-3-17) To view candidates for the 2017-2018 Executive Board as well as constitutional amendments, We also encourage you to listen to their GA II speech as well as to attend Meet the Candidates. (2-25-17) As of 2-28-17, the Candidates page has been closed because elections have concluded. Thank you for participating in the election process. The Club Video Contest is due on Saturday night at midnight! Please submit submissions to (2-24-17) The deadline for Roll Call submission has been extended to Thursday, February 23. See Roll Call rules here. (2-22-17) Apply for 1 of 10 $100 scholarships to the 2017 NJCL Convention. Click here for the application. Deadline is Friday, March 10. (2-21-17) Reminder: pre-register your projects by MONDAY at 11:59 PM! (2-19-17) The Program for the 67th State Convention of the Ohio Junior Classical League has been released! Check it out here! This year’s program was edited by Secretary Vishnu Kasturi (Shaker Heights). It includes: the detailed schedule, a letter from THE President Brian Johnson, the schools in attendance, cartoons, information about the Saturday colloquia, and so much more! If you prefer a quick overview of the weekend events, view the one-page Convention Schedule here. (2-18-17) By Thursday, February 23, schools must upload their Roll Call idea to YouTube and send it to Treasurer Kelly Thaxton ( Schools that do not submit a video by the deadline will be INELIGIBLE to participate in Roll Call at Convention. See the new, updated rules for Roll Call here. (2-16-17) The 2017 Winter Edition of the OJCL Torch has been released, and it’s our biggest issue to date! Check out a fun Beginner’s Guide to Convention as well as amazing local club updates. (2-12-17)
- 41 pages – our biggest issue to date! Features a fun Beginner’s Guide to Convention as well as local club updates.
- A special thank you to WJCL Editor Margot Armbruster for submitting an article! The Ohio JCL always appreciates the work of the Wisconsin JCL. Additionally, we’d like to thank Michael Bono of the North Carolina JCL for co-writing an article with our OJCL Treasurer.
- Guest writers: Nathan Brunner, Olivia Burdette, Bebe Hodges, Ellie Kammerer, Gabe Sekeres, and Maddy Taylor. Thank you for submitting articles!
Summit Certamen, Sat Feb 4, 9 am – 12 noon! Flier. (2-1-17) Reminder: Sign up by February 15 to have a booth at the Bazaar! Learn more by clicking here. (1-21-17) Click here to view the 2017 Rules for the Spirit Competition. Keep in mind the spirit themes! View the three themes here. Click here to view the updated 2017 Rules for Roll Call. Important addition: schools must submit their roll call idea to Treasurer Kelly Thaxton at via YouTube. (1-20-17) The Ohio Senior Classical League is proud to announce the three WINNERS of the scholarships for the Sixty-Seventh OJCL State Convention! Thank you all to who applied. (1-17-17) Full scholarship: Ellie Kammerer of McAuley Half scholarships (2): Payton Cassel of Medina and Abby Almaguer of Summit Reminder: If you are interested in running for office, please review the roles and duties of the offices on our Documents page as well as Parliamentarian Tullus Dean’s Guide to Running for OJCL Office. (1-12-17) The Columbus Academy is hosting a Project Linus event at 10:30 AM with pizza provided at 12 PM and Certamen in the afternoon on Martin Luther King Jr. Day on 1/16. It’s always a great, fun time, so we encourage the central Ohio area to attend! (1-10-17) Important dates for the Sixty-Seventh OJCL Convention (1-9-17):
- Wednesday, January 11: online registration deadline AND Pre-Convention project submission deadline
- Wednesday, January 18: 50% of registration fees due AND deadline for withdrawal with 100% reimbursement AND officer pre-file deadline
- Wednesday, February 1: State and National JCL membership deadline to be considered chapter in good standing AND deadline for application to give a speech at State Convention
- Wednesday, February 15: Deadline to sign up for a booth at the Bazaar
- Friday, February 17: Deadline for all changes in Creative Arts and Certamen sign-ups
- Monday, February 20: Deadline for online pre-registration (mandatory!) of all Graphic Arts contest entries
- Wednesday, February 22: Deadline for schools to submit their roll call idea via YouTube to
- Friday, February 24: 100% fees due upon arrival at Convention
Want to give a speech at GA about Latin/JCL? Spots are available! Here is how to submit an application to give a speech. Deadline is February 1. (1-8-17) The 2017 State Convention Prefile Form for candidates running for the Executive Board is live at this link: (This link is no longer active 3-27-19). If you are curious about our current 2016-2017 Executive Board, visit our Student Officers page. (1-4-17) Those attending the 2017 Convention must fill out the 2017 OJCL Media Release and Conduct Form. (1-4-17)
2016 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
Interested in the OJCL Executive Board? Head to our new Student Officers page to learn more about our officers! (12-31-16) The Xavier University Certamen will be held this Saturday on January 7 from 9 am – 12:30 pm! Click here for the 2017 XU Certamen flier (12-30-16). The holidays are a great time to start planning for OJCL State Convention, especially the 2017 Bazaar! Click here to learn more information about how to sign up for a booth and earn some cash for your club. Contact Treasurer Kelly Thaxton if you have any further questions. We would like to remind prospective vendors that you will only get a booth if you sign up. (12-26-16) The Executive Board would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season! (12-16-16) The Ohio Senior Classical League is sponsoring packet awards to cover the cost of attendance to the OJCL State Convention. The 2017 Packet Award will be awarded any OJCL member and will waive all of that student’s convention fees. The OSCL will also award two awards to OJCL members that will pay for half of the convention attendance cost. (11-28-16)
- Go to for application information. The application is due December 4.
The Make A Difference Day events were a HUGE success! The three Gubernators report on their events and would like to offer their thanks. (11-25-16)
- North Gubernator Blake Himes: “I owe a huge thanks to the group of OJCLers who attended North MADD on November 6th! After a late rescheduling, we gave Horseshoe Lake Park a lovely shine! It was awesome to see everyone take such care in cleaning a local park. We did a great job cleaning up the park, filling several trash bags. Thanks again to everyone who came out and picked up trash around the whole park.”
- Central Gubernator Aquila Simmons: “The Central Region MADD occurred on November 20th as OJCLers helped to prepare food for a Thanksgiving Day food pantry event. There were several participants, and the leafy greens would be used in salads for those in need. A big thank you to those who attended!”
- South Gubernator Julia Dean: “On Saturday, November 12, a dedicated group of Cincinnati JCLers came to MADD at California Woods Nature Preserve. It was a cold day but everyone worked hard raking, shoveling, carrying mulch up and down a hill, and spreading mulch on trails. By the end of the day, we had restored an entire trail for the park! Overall, students did great work at the southern Make A Difference Day.”
Treasurer Kelly Thaxton has released the 2017 Spirit Themes! (11-6-16)
- The three themes are Club T-Shirt Day, Intergalactic Gallic Wars, and Radical Romans! Email any questions to
Nov 12 – Miami University Certamen: Flier with directions and parking permit (10-31-16) The OJCL Torch Fall Edition has been released by Editor Lynn Ahrens (Ursuline)! (10-25-16)
- Features a recap of NJCL 2016 (including the spectacular cheers developed by delegates) and a preview of the events to come this year.
- Guest writer: Andrew Phillips. Thank you for submitting an article!
Regional Make A Difference Days (10-5-16):
- Cleveland – NEW DATE: Sun Nov 6, 1-4 pm, Horseshoe Lake Park Cleanup
- Cincinnati – Sat Nov 12, 1:30-4:00, California Woods Nature Preserve permission slip
- Columbus – Sun Nov 20, 12:30-4:30, Broad Street Presbyterian Church (Central MADD attendees must sign up here:
Fall Forum photos have been uploaded to our Flickr page, and more photos are still being uploaded. If you have any photos, please email Historian Caroline Klette ( so that she can upload your photos to the page. (10-4-16) From 6-7:30 pm on October 16, the Out of the Darkness Walk for Suicide Prevention will be held at Sawyer Point. The suggested fundraising goal for each walker is $44. Join the OJCL Team, “Magistra Rox,” here: (9-17-16)
- Contact person: Second Vice President Joseph Delamerced (
- Click here for the flier and more information.
OJCL Club Grant Application: The purpose of this grant is to provide local chapters of the Ohio Junior Classical League with monetary help in their efforts to expand their club, provide service to their community, or any other financial reason that they see fit for this grant. Click here for more information and the application. (9-8-16) Fall Forum: October 1 at Columbus Academy, 10 am – 4 pm. (9-7-16)
- Cincinnati Bus to Fall Forum – leaves Summit at 7:45 am and returns around 6 pm. Give Larry Dean a check for $20 to ‘OJCL’ as you board the bus.
- Fall Forum is a new event that acts as a “mini State Convention.” It includes Open Certamen, Ludi, Service Projects, Pizza, Impromptu Art, Awards and Prizes, and much more.
Cincinnati Local Certamen Schedule: All are on Saturday morning. Registration starts at 9 am. The competition itself begins 9:30ish and ends 11:30ish. Fliers with directions will be sent out in a week or 2 before the certamen. Hope to see you there! (8-26-16)
- Sept 24 – Moeller Open
- Oct 1 – Open Certamen at the Fall Forum at Columbus Academy
- Oct 29 – University of Cincinnati flier with directions
- Nov 12 – Miami University Flier with directions and parking permit
- Jan 7 – Xavier University
- Feb 4 – Summit
- Feb 25 – State Championship at OJCL Convention in Columbus
- July 24-29 – National Championship at NJCL Convention at Troy University AL
Info about the Cincinnati bus to/from IU: Info about the Cleveland/Columbus bus to/from IU: South Region Pre-Nationals Picnic (posted 6-10-16)
- 1-3 pm, Saturday June 25, Ault Park
- Flier.
- Contact person: Southern Gubernator Julia Dean (
A message from 2nd VP Joseph Delamerced (Summit): If your school or chapter has participated in several service events or if you as an individual have a large number of service hours, I encourage you to enter two competitions from the NJCL! The NJCL has two community service contests for you to enter that can gain you national recognition for the work you or your school has done. ENTRIES ARE DUE BY JULY 1! (6-8-16)
- for Group, Chapter, or School.
- for Individual.
1st VP Julia Cardinal (McAuley) has released the winners of the 2 contests to celebrate National Classics Week. (5-26-16)
- Individual ($25 Chipotle gift card!): Finley Kocher (Lancaster HS)
- Club (pizza party!): McAuley HS
For those people going to Nationals, here is the link to order the ‘spirit package’ (state tshirts + spirit materials), only $15: Ohio Junior Classical League National Spirit Package 2016 (5-24-16) Editor Josh Young (Indian Hill) has released his final Spring Edition of the OJCL Torch! (5-20-16)
- This mobile-friendly issue features the winning State Convention music video and commercial, an update on Upper Certamen predictions, and an introduction to the new Executive Board.
- Guest writers: NJCL 1st Vice President Michael Kearney (our first Wisconsin writer), Yash Agrawal, Katie Liggett, Natalie More, and Lauren Robinson. Thank you for submitting articles!
- Guest Ludi analyst: Adam Sichel.
Excited for Nationals? Check out this 30-second promotional by 2nd Vice President Joseph Delamerced (Summit). (5-19-16) Central Gubernator Aquila Simmons (Wellington) reports on a recent regional service event: (5-17-16)
- On May 1st, 2016, the OJCL participated in the Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis. With a team of over 15 members, we walked about three miles as part of Team Mighty Mickey. Although rain was predicted, we had beautiful weather and a blast supporting the fight for people all across the world living with cystic fibrosis.
Central Region Pre-Nationals Picnic (posted 5-17-16)
- 1 pm to 4 pm, Saturday June 18th
- Sharon Woods Metro Park (6911 Cleveland Avenue Westerville, OH 43081).
- Flier.
- Contact person: Central Gubernator Aquila Simmons (
South Gubernator Julia Dean (Summit) reports on a recent regional service event: (4-18-16)
- On Sat April 16, 9-11 am, 10 Cincinnati area JCLers convened at Matthew 25 Ministries to do some awesome service work! They organized clothing for the needy, and all the clothing happened to be donated Ben Carson campaign material! There were Carson T-shirts, onesies, and even scrubs. Everyone had lots of fun filling up crate after crate of Carson shirts. Go OJCL!
Central Gubernator Aquila Simmons (Wellington) is organizing a service event. (4-8-16)
- May 1st, 12-2 pm, McFerson Commons Park (Arch Park), Columbus, OH
- It is a 5K walk called Great Strides to help raise money for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and to support people diagnosed with that disease.
- We have been invited to join Team Mighty Micky for the walk.
- To participate you must register on the website (link below). I strongly suggest a donation of $10-$20.
1st VP Julia Cardinal (McAuley) has 2 contests to celebrate National Classics Week (April 17-24) – win a pizza party for your club or a gift card to Chipotle! DEADLINE FOR THE SELFIES FOR THE CLUB CONTEST IS EXTENDED TO MAY 2 AT 11:59 PM. (4-7-16) South Gubernator Julia Dean (Summit) invites all Cincinnati Latin students to participate in a service activity at Matthew 25 (11060 Kenwood Rd, Blue Ash, OH 45242). YOU MUST SIGN UP ONLINE HERE! Congratulations to the winners of the $100 OJCL Scholarships to attend the NJCL Convention at Indiana University (Bloomington IN)! Checks for the winners will be mailed this week. The quality of the applications and extra money in the OJCL student fund allow the organization to give out a record high 19 scholarships. (3-14-2016)
- Gautam Apte (Shaker)
- Julia Cardinal (McAuley)
- Hali Clark (Summit)
- Julia Dean (Summit)
- Tullus Dean (Summit)
- Joseph Delamerced (Summit)
- Lindsey Dierig (Turpin)
- Charlie Dwight (Seven Hills)
- David Fiora (Turpin)
- Brian Johnson (Shaker)
- Katlyn Havlin (McAuley)
- Maria Henriquez (Turpin)
- Ellie Kammerer (McAuley)
- Vishnu Kasturi (Shaker)
- Sam Katz (Shaker)
- Caroline Klette (Summit)
- Adam Sichel (Indian Hill)
- Jocelyn Ting (Shaker)
- Sara Zandvakili (Indian Hill)
Click here for a fun 1 minute video (by 2nd VP Joseph Delamerced) encouraging Summit students to attend convention. (3-2-16) DATES FOR THE 2017 CONVENTION: FEBRUARY 24-26!! The Executive Board is now accepting application for Treasurer, the 3 Gubernators, Editor, and Historian: If sponsors or students have any questions, email Parliamentarian Tullus Dean (Summit): (2-23-16)
- OJCL By-Laws: Article 5 of this document has the duties of the various officers. [This document was last updated Jan 2016.]
- Deadline to apply for Treasurer is Wed March 2 at 11:59 pm. The Executive Board will hold a cyber meeting to select the Treasurer and will announce its selection by Wed March 9.
- Deadline to apply for the 3 Gubernators, Historian and Editor is Sun March 20 at 11:59 pm. The Executive Board will hold a cyber meeting to select the 3 Gubernators and will announce its selections by Wed March 30 (in the hope that they can attend the Spring Meeting on Sat April 23).
- Historian and Editor will be selected at the Spring Meeting, and the Executive Board will announce its selections on Sat April 23.
Certamen Schedule 2016 Club Video Contest Info! Club Video Contest 2016! (2-19-16) Apply for 1 of 10 $100 scholarships to the 2016 NJCL Convention. Click here for the application. Deadline is Fri March 11. There is also another scholarship which covers the entire cost of convention. (2-14-16) Official program, with complete schedule, edited by Summit Senior Dustin Argo, the OJCL Secretary. Convention 2016 Schedule (2-8-16) Here is the winter edition of the Torch, the OJCL newsletter edited by Editor Josh Young (Indian Hill). It has videos and gallery of pictures of the new hotel. Here is the PDF to print off. (1-30-16) Do you have something important to say about Latin and the JCL? Want to give a speech to all the delegates at convention during one of the General Assemblies? Click here for details about the ‘Convention Speech Contest’ (deadline is Feb 5). (1-25-16) Secretary Dustin Argo has edited the minutes of the Jan 9 OJCL Winter Planning Meeting for the 2016 Convention. (1-20-16). Click here for article and pictures of the Project Linus + Certamen at Columbus Academy on MLK Day. (1-19-16) 2nd VP Sara Sandvakili has created a team called ‘Ohio Junior Classical League’ for the Night for the Fight to Beat Childhood Cancer! It is an overnight event on Fri Feb 26 at the Cintas Center (Cincinnati). (1-9-16)
- The N4TF fundraiser page for the team is at
- The Facebook page is
- To register without a Facebook page, go to and join the team ‘Ohio Junior Classical League.’
All GRAPHIC ARTS rules have been updated. These more clearly explain disqualification and the judging process. Please be sure to read these as you are working on your graphic arts! (1-9-16) REMINDER! PRE-CONVENTION PROJECTS are due WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 2016 (11:59 pm)! (1-8-16) Project Linus Service Event and Certamen will be held at Columbus Academy on MLK day, Jan 18 from 10:30am-2:30pm. If you are able to attend, please email Ms. Bening ( with the number of members of your club who will be attending. Please bring $5 for lunch. (1-8-16) The 2016 Shaker Heights Certamen will be on Feb 7 at 1 pm in its cafeteria. Flier. (1-6-16)
2015 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
Southwest Gubernator Julia Cardinal (McAuley) has posted articles about 2 OJCL service events in Cincinnati in the fall of 2015. (12-29-15) Congratulations to the following scholarship winners for the 2016 Convention! Thanks to the SCL for providing this opportunity! (12-18-15)
- Katlyn Havlin (McAuley) is receiving the full scholarship.
- Both Autumn McMichael (Wyoming Middle School) and Aleeyah Nurredin (Mount Notre Dame) are receiving half scholarships.
The NJCL Fall Torch 2015 has a number of OH people featured! Check out pages: 7, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 27, 29, 35! Go Ohio! (12-4-15) Check out the Creative Arts Contests page to see this year’s Latin Recitation and Dramatic Interpretation passages! (11-23-15) Come to the annual Gift Wrap sponsored by the Westlake Latin Club, 10 am – 3 pm, Sat Dec 12! (11-23-15) Congratulations to the Shaker Heights Latin Club for the winning entries in both the Roman Rap and Promotional Video Contests! The prize? 2 $100 Pizza Parties! (11-23-15)
- Roman Rap Winner: paste this link into your browser,
- Latin Promotional Video Winner:
Apply for SCHOLARSHIPS to the 2016 OJCL CONVENTION! The deadline is December 5th, 2015 at 11:59pm. Here the OJCL Convention Scholarship Application! Thanks to the Ohio Senior Classical League for offering this awesome opportunity! (10-28-15) The OJCL is sponsoring a SAT/ACT/IB Test Prep Book Drive. Flier with info is here. Click here for the online submission, due Nov 28 (NEW DATE, 2 WEEKS LATER). The Latin Club which donates the most books wins $100 for a pizza party! Contact 2nd VP Sara Zandvakili ( with questions. (10-14-15). 2015-2016 Editor Josh Young (Indian Hill) has completed his 1st issue of the OJCL Torch – it includes videos of the OH delegation from the summer NJCL Convention at Trinity University (San Antonio TX). (10-6-15) Make a Difference Day! (10-5-15)
- Columbus – Central Gubernator Andrew Zhang reports that the Columbus OJCL had a successful Make a Difference Day
- Cleveland – Sun Oct 25, 1:30-4 PM, Cleveland City Mission – flier with details – please use this link ( to sign up to bring food/drink to the event
- Cincinnati – Sat Nov 14, 2-5 pm, California Woods Nature Preserve – flier with complete details – REQUIRED PERMISSION SLIP
Want the Classics professors of Miami University or the University of Cincinnati to visit your classroom and/or Classics Club and to introduce them to literary, historical, or cultural topics from the ancient world? Click here to find out more about MU’s program and Click here to find out more about UC’s program. (9-28-15) Central Gubernator Andrew Zhang reports that the Columbus OJCL had a successful Make a Difference Day. (9-21-15) CHECK OUT THE CONTEST PAGE FOR 2016 CONTEST TOPICS! (8-27-15) CINCINNATI CERTAMEN SCHEDULE, always Sat mornings, 9-11ish (8-25-15):
- NEW!!!! Sept 19 – Moeller is hosting an Open Certamen! – flier with info and directions
- Oct 3 – Miami University – flier with directions and parking pass
- Nov 14 – University of Cincinnati – flier with directions and parking information
- Dec 5 – Summit – flier
- Jan 9 – Xavier University – flier and detailed map of XU campus
- Jan 30 – Seven Hills – flier
Important dates for OJCL Executive Board (8-20-15)
- Sat Sept 12, (NEW TIME!) 2-4 pm, 2015: Fall Planning Meeting at The Wellington School (Columbus)
- Sat Jan 9, 10 am – 12 noon: Winter Planning Meeting at the Doubletree Hotel (Worthington) – this is the site of the 2016 OJCL Convention
- Fri Feb 19 – Sun Feb 21 2016: OJCL Convention at Doubletree Hotel in Worthington OH – All officers are expected to arrive soon after 6 pm on Thurs Feb 18 to set up for the convention.
- April 23 2016: Changeover Meeting
- July 25 – 30 2016: NJCL Convention at Indiana University (Bloomington IN)
- Sept 17 2016: Fall Planning Meeting
- Jan 7 2017: Winter Planning Meeting
- Fri Feb 17 – Sun Feb 19 2017: OJCL Convention – All officers are expected to arrive soon after 6 pm on Thurs
2015 NJCL Convention Update (7-4-15)
- Cincinnati people: There will be a bus to/from the Louisville airport. It will leave Summit at 5 am on Sun July 26 for the 8:18 am flight. It will then leave Louisville at around 1 pm on Sat Aug 1 for the 12:01 arrival of the flight. Please indicate your intention to take the bus both ways through this online sign up (checks for around $50, made out to OJCL, can be handed to me as the student boards the bus, I am still working out the final details):
- Everyone, SUN JULY 26: There will be a bus + a van or smaller bus for anyone interested in transportation from the San Antonio airport to Alamo/Riverwalk to Trinity on Sun July 26. The bus will leave the airport at 1:30 pm and get to campus around 6:30. All students arriving on Sun July 26 need to do the pre-convention housing – contact the NJCL if you have not signed up for that. Please make sure that you have done the SignUpGenius and sent the check for $14 so I know how big the 2nd van/bus needs to be:
- Everyone, SAT AUG 1: The OJCL has ordered 2 40 person buses for Sat Aug 1 – one will arrive at Trinity at 5 am (for the 7 am flight of the Cincinnati group), one will arrive at Trinity at 6 am (for the 8 am flight of the Cleveland group). The cost is $10 – cash or check to OJCL. THIS WILL BE COLLECTED AT CONVENTION, SO BRING THE $ OR THE CHECK WITH YOU, DO NOT SEND THIS TO ME. THERE IS NO SIGN UP FOR THIS, JUST BRING CASH/CHECK TO CONVENTION AND THERE WILL BE A SPOT FOR YOU.
- REQUIRED FOR OJCL’ERS: Treasurer Kelly Thaxton and President Lindsey Dierig have created an Etsy account for participants to get the state tshirt + spirit stuff. The price is $19.20. Sign up and pay online here: Here is a message from Kelly about spirit: “Salvete! NJCL Convention is just around the corner and it’s time for everybody to order their spirit packages. You can order the package through the etsy link above, and it comes with 2 t-shirts. One of the shirts is the required state shirt that every delegate must have. Each day of convention has a different spirit theme, and the spirit package has the necessary items to go along with those themes, so we’re asking that everybody orders their package by July 8th. We also need delegates to bring a toga, one white t-shirt, and one blue t-shirt. Thank you and see you at convention!”
- Announcement: OH Competitive Certamen Teams at Trinity! Thanks to all players – 24 students from 7 different schools – who participated in the tryout process!
- Novice: John Brady (St. Edward), Julia Dean (Summit), Owen Kranz (St. Edward)
- Intermediate, Gautam Apte (Shaker) will share ‘Language’ spot, Julia Cardinal (McAuley) will share ‘Hist/Cult’ spot, Charlie Dwight (Seven Hills) will share ‘Language’ spot, Peter Hattemer (Walnut Hills), Caroline Klette (Summit), Michael Warden (Summit) will share ‘Hist/Cult’ spot
- Advanced: Sameer Apte (Shaker), Will Beatrez (St. Edward), Jesse Campbell (Summit) will sub for ‘Lang’ and ‘Lang/Lit’ spot, Tullus Dean (Summit), Alex Lathem (Westlake) will sub for ‘Myth’ spot, Matthew McMillan (Shaker) will sub for ‘Hist/Cult’ spot, Ben Robertson (Shaker)
OJCL Regional Summer Picnics: These events are for all OJCL students, especially those who are attending the National Convention at Trinity University! (6-15-15)
- Columbus: 1-4 pm, SAT JULY 11 (NEW DATE), Blendon Woods Metro Park (4265 E. Dublin Granville Road, Columbus, OH 43017) – flier – contact person is Central Gubernator Andrew Zhang (
- Cleveland: 1-4 pm, SUN JULY 5 (NEW DATE), Upper Edgewater Park – flier – contact persons are Northeast Guberator Vishnu Kasturi ( and Northwest Gubernator Bradley Katcher (
- Cincinnati: 1-4 pm, Sat July 11, Ault Park (3600 Observatory Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45208) – flier – the link for food sign ups is – contact person is Southwest Gubernator Julia Cardinal (
OSCL President Bob McDonald ( announces the OSCL Book Award: “In past years, the OSCL has offered a $150 award to a senior to be spent on books for college. This year is no different, and the application is here! I’d like to stress that the student does NOT need to be majoring or minoring in Classics. The application is due June 16th.” (6-5-15) OJCL Bus at Nationals: Sun July 26, 1:30-6:30 – San Antonio airport to Alamo/Riverwalk to Trinity: Check must be received before spot is reserved. (5-29-15) Former Editor Dustin Argo (Summit) has completed his 3rd and final issue of the OJCL Torch! He will still be continuing to serve the OJCL as this year’s Secretary. Check out these pix of JCLove, with Mr. & Mrs. I, at the April meeting. The fruit of their labor will arrive very soon! (5-5-15) Interested in Competitive Certamen at the NJCL Convention in San Antonio? Click here for information on tryouts. (4-23-15) Latin in the Summer? EUGEPAE!! (4-23-15)
- Larry Dean (Summit) is again running a summer Latin program in Cincinnati for 18 days, Mon June 8 – Wed July 1, 8:30-12:30.
- It is intended for motivated students, regardless of their level of Latin – from beginners in the 6th grade to advanced scholars who have graduated. Students can sign up/show up anytime. It is a great learning environment, with motivated students from throughout the Cincinnati area and even from other parts of OH – and they all have the same joy of learning and love of the classics. Here is the link to the program from the Summit webpage: Please call Larry Dean at 513-502-0108 if you have questions.
Congratulations to the new officers who were appointed by the Board at the Feb 18 meeting! (4-19-2015)
- Editor – Josh Young (Indian Hill)
- Historian – Madison Solomon (Wellington)
NEW FUN CONTEST: ROMAN RAP CHALLENGE to promote National Classics Week, April 19-25. Click here for the flier with all the info below (4-14-2015)
- Create a 20-30 second rap on anything JCL or Classics-related and post a video on Facebook.
- The winning entry will be awarded a FREE PIZZA PARTY for his or her Latin club!
- You can submit more than one entry per school and we encourage you to involve your entire club.
- In order for us to receive your submissions, please shout-out your Latin club in the video and hashtag the following in the Facebook post: #ohioclassicsstudents, #nationalclassicsweek, #happybdayrome, #jcl.
- NEW DEADLINE!!!! Now it is 11:59pm Friday MAY 1. Let’s see you take your rapping skills to the test!
- Questions? Contact OJCL 1st Vice President Allison Kao @!
Cleveland Teachers – Nora Murphy is hosting an adult get together on May 8. (4-11-15) Congratulations to the winners of the $100 OJCL Scholarships to attend the NJCL Convention at Trinity University (San Antonio TX)! Checks for the winners will be mailed this week. (4-11-2015)
- Hannah Barrett (Shaker)
- Will Beatrez (St. Edward)
- Jesse Campbell (Summit)
- Julia Cardinal (McAuley)
- Hali Clark (Summit)
- Julia Dean (Summit)
- Tullus Dean (Summit)
- Joseph Delamerced (Summit)
- Charlie Dwight (Seven Hills)
- Brian Johnson (Shaker)
- Allison Kao (Shaker)
- Srivishnu Kasturi (Shaker)
- Bradley Katcher (Westlake)
- Sam Katz (Shaker)
- Ben Robertson (Shaker)
- Elisa Stanis (Summit)
- Jocelyn Ting (Shaker)
- Sara Zandvakili (Indian Hill)
A message from Parliamentarian Brian Johnson: Thank you to everyone who applied for the position of Gubernator! The OJCL Board has reviewed the applications, voted, and your 4 Gubernators are:
- NE- Vishnu Kasturi (Shaker Heights)
- NW- Bradley Katcher (Westlake)
- Central- Andrew Zhang (Columbus Academy)
- SW- Julia Cardinal (McAuley)
Congratulations! And thank you again to all the applicants! (4-7-2015) NEW POST 2015 CONVENTION ANNOUNCEMENTS (3-23-15)
- Historian Hannah Barrett has created a 2015 OJCL Convention video!
- Apply for a $100 OJCL scholarship to the NJCL Convention in San Antonio TX this summer. The deadline is 11:59 pm April 3rd.
- A message from Parliamentarian Brian Johnson (Shaker Heights): Salvete Omnes! It’s that time of year again! It’s time to appoint the next OJCL Gubernators (Northeast, Northwest, Southwest, and Central), Historian, and Editor! The link to the application is here:! Before you start, be aware of a few rules. To apply, both the sponsor and the interested student must be a member of the OJCL, and have paid their dues this year. All students interested MUST be approved for application by their club sponsor. A club may also only sponsor one candidate for a position, but may sponsor a candidate for each position. For example, Shaker Heights may sponsor one candidate for the Gubernatorial position of their region (in this case NE) and one candidate for OJCL Editor, but may not sponsor two candidates for NE Gubernator. Also, for the newly appointed Gubernators, attendance to the Changeover Meeting on April 18 is highly encouraged! The deadline for Gubernator applications will be April 1st at 11:59 P.M., and the new Gubernators will be announced after the Executive Board’s April 6th cyber meeting. The applications for Historian and Editor will be due by 11:59 P.M. on April 11th, and the decision regarding those positions will be made at the changeover meeting, April 18th. Please tell your students about the application ASAP, and encourage them to apply! And if anyone has any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at, and I will respond as soon as I can! Gratias vobis ago, et bonam fortunam!
The Ohio Senior Classical League is offering a scholarship to cover the cost of convention. The application is here, and the deadline is Feb 20 2015. (1-26-15) Cleveland Service Event: The West Side Catholic Center will be hosting a “mobile food pantry” on Saturday, February 28th, from 9:00-12:30. The OJCL take a whole group of people (they’re pretty flexible with the numbers) to unload a delivery truck and to distribute food/supplies to those in need. Please email NW Gubernator Will Beatrez with numbers: (1-26-15) McAuley is sponsoring a ‘Togathon!’ to raise money for St. Peter Claver’s Latin School for Boys (Cincinnati OH) on Feb 14 2015, 1-5 pm. flier and Fundraising Tracker (1-8-15)
- On Valentine’s Day McAuley High School is hosting a Roaming Romans’ Togathon. Our togathon is modeled on the Relay for Life and will raise money for Latin education. We will be supporting Saint Peter Claver Latin School for Boys. SPC is located in the Over-the-Rhine area of Cincinnati and runs completely on donations. They are a K-8 school and are dedicated to help their students be accepted into higher ranking high schools than those of their school district. They are looking to expand their Latin program. These funds will help them to do so greatly.
- Our togathon is set for February 14th from 1-5 PM. People may start arriving at 12:30 to sign in. Official events will begin at 1:15 after an introduction to the event. Besides walking a set route through the school, the students will have the opportunity to partake in many other service events including Project Linus and Cards of Courage. There will also be fun games, costing a quarter per round. We ask that every club comes up with a toga theme. The best dressed team will earn a special prize. We also ask that every participant raises at least $10 for SPC. As an added incentive, the individual and the team that has raised the most funds will earn a prize. Every club is one team.
- For more information or questions, contact Magistra Rachel Kless or Praetor Julia Cardinal. Magistra Kless: Praetor Julia Cardinal:
- RSVP on the signup genius @
- Thank you, The McAuley Latin Club
2014 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
The Shaker Heights Certamen will be at 1 pm on Sun Feb 1 2015. Click here for the flier. (12-16-2014) Magistra Lisa Patton has announced the date for the Westlake gift wrap + certamen (12-2-2014)
- “The annual Westlake holiday gift wrap/ certamen is Saturday December 13, 2014 from 11 am – 2 pm. Please feel free to bring gently used toys for the wrap, a dessert to share, and two dollars for pizza. (This is starting to sound like a Catullus- type party.) Please let me know if you will be able to join us and an approximate head count.”
Treasurer Lindsey Dierig has released the spirit themes for the 2015 OJCL Convention. And here are the Rules for Spirit and Roll Call. (12-1-15) Editor Dustin Argo (Summit) has released the 2014 Fall OJCL Torch. (11-8-14) Find out about the hundreds of hours of community service that OJCLers have already performed this year! (11-7-14) New contest, Panel/Comic Storytelling, added to Pre-Convention contests! (10-31-2014) Here are the minutes from the Sept 13 2014 Fall Planning Meeting. (9-26-14) NE Gubernator Allison Kao ( and NW Gubernator Will Beatrez ( are the contacts for the Cleveland MADD service project on Oct 25, 2014, 1 – 4 pm at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens (750 E 88th St, Cleveland, OH 44108). Click here for the flier. Sign up online for the event at so there is a good estimate for how many gardening supplies the Cultural Gardens coordinator should bring. (9-20-14) 2 Cincinnati service events are planned in October. SW Gubernator Sara Zandvakili is the contact person ( (9-15-14)
- Sun Oct 19, 6-9 pm, Sawyer Point: Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk – go here to join the OJCL walking team or to donate – click here for a flier with details
- Sat Oct 25, 1-4 pm, California Woods Nature Preserve: OJCL Make A Difference Day – click here for a flier with details – click here for the permission slip
CINCINNATI CERTAMEN SCHEDULE, always Sat mornings, 9-11ish (9-12-14):
- Oct 11 – Summit – click here for the flier
- Nov 15 – University of Cincinnati – click here for the flier
- Dec 6 – Miami University – 1st time ever! – click her for the flier AND THE REQUIRED PARKING PASS
- Jan 10 – Xavier University – click here for the flier
- Feb 21 – Seven Hills
ANNOUNCEMENT: The duties for the 2015-2016 1st VP and 2nd VP are new! Here is the document with the amendment (passed in December 2013) with the new duties for each office. Click on the ‘About Us’ button on top of this page to find Article 5 of the By-Laws with the duties of all the offices. ALL INFORMATION ABOUT THE OH DELEGATION AT THE 2014 NJCL CONVENTION AT EMORY UNIVERSITY CAN BE FOUND HERE. (6/16/14) This article about 4 Perfects on the National Latin Exam by Ben Robertson (Shaker Heights) and Connor Tomshack (St. Edward) celebrates their extraordinary achievement and details the importance & relevance of Latin. (6/22/14) Here is the June 2014 OJCL Torch. It is the final issue by Editor Jane Klaus (Ursuline Academy). (6-16-14) Columbus Pre-Nationals Picnic: July 12 2014, 12-3 PM, at Blendon Woods Metro Park in Westerville, OH. Click here for the flier. (6/16/14) Cleveland OJCL Summer Picnic: July 13 2014, 1-4 pm, Edgewater Park, Cleveland, OH 44102. Click here for the informational flier. (6-3-14) NEW!! OJCL Promotional Video Contest (with CASH prizes), deadline to upload video to Google Drive is NOW JUNE 6 2014):
- In honor of National Classics Week, we are releasing our newest contest, the OJCL National Classics Week Promotional Video Contest! We are challenging your local chapter to create a 2-5 minute video addressing the theme, “Why do you love the Classics?”
- Your video has the chance to be featured on the OJCL website and to be shown to prospective OJCL schools!
- Awards include monetary prizes to your local chapters: 1st place receives $100; 2nd place, $50; and 3rd place, $25!
- Here are: the rubric for the contest, the judging sheets, the required Media Release form.
- Upload to Google Drive (this requires a member of the school chapter to have a gmail) and share the video with this email: Deadline is May 24.
Congratulations to the newly appointed OJCL officers! (4-24-14)
- Editor Dustin Argo (Summit)
- Historian Hannah Barrett (Shaker Heights)
Travel to NJCL Convention (4-19-14):
- Larry Dean is again organizing a bus for the Cincinnati people. 55 seats are on the bus. About 20 are for Summit students. The other 35 are for others on a first come, first served basis. Email Larry Dean ( the following information about students who want to be on the bus: name, phone number, email. It will leave early on Sun July 27 (with a stop somewhere fun, suggestions are welcome) and return on the afternoon of Sat Aug 2. Cost will be somewhere under $100, and you will need to sign up for the $55 Pre-Convention Housing for Sun July 27 at Emory.
- Nora Murphy ( is the contact person for the Cleveland people. Cleveland flight information: Akron/Canton, 7/27 AirTran (7:45 pm) and Atlanta, 8/2 Hopkins Frontier (4:25 pm). You will need to sign up for the $55 Pre-Convention Housing for Sun July 27 at Emory.
- Emelie Inderhees ( is the contact person for the Cental region. Columbus flight information: CMH, 7/27 AirTran #5154 (10:55 am) and Atlanta, 8/2 AirTran #5040 (1:55 pm). You will need to sign up for the $55 Pre-Convention Housing for Sun July 27 at Emory.
Congratulations to the winners of the $100 OJCL Scholarships to attend the NJCL Convention! This year set a record for the most applications. Checks for the winners will be mailed this week. (4-7-2014)
- Sameer Apte (Shaker Heights)
- Will Beatrez (St. Edward)
- Julia Dean (Summit)
- Tullus Dean (Summit)
- Joseph Delamerced (Summit)
- Tino Delamerced (Summit)
- Will Emery (Granville)
- Allison Kao (Shaker)
- Caroline Klette (Summit)
- Ben Robertson (Shaker)
- Narayan Sundararajan (Shaker)
- Jocelyn Ting (Shaker)
- Connor Tomshack (St. Edward)
- Sara Zandvakili (Indian Hill)
Here is the information about OH Certamen Tryouts and Summit Summer Latin Program. The teams will compete at the NJCL Convention at Emory University (Atlanta GA). The document also includes information about the Summer Latin Program run by Certamen Coach Larry Dean at Summit. (4-4-14) Congratulations to the new Gubernators selected last night at a cyber meeting of the OJCL Executive Board! (3-24-14)
- SW – Sara Zandvakili (Indian Hill)
- NE – Allison Kao (Shaker Heights)
- NW – Will Beatrez (St. Edwards)
- Central – Tim Goldenberg (Granville)
Shaker Heights teacher Nora Murphy is hosting a gathering for Latin teachers on May 7 at her home. All Latin teachers of all levels are invited! (3/23/14) Ecce! Tibi OSCL pecuniam dare vult! Seniors can now apply for the OSCL Book Award. Deadline is Fri April 11. (3/23/14) Applications for the 6 appointed positions (4 gubernators, editor, historian) are due by Thurs March 20. And congratulations to Katarina Packis (Westlake) who was selected by the Executive Board to fill the vacancy at 2nd VP!
Now available: the application for the 10 $100 scholarships to the NJCL Convention – deadline is March 24. (3-10/14)
Certamen schedules and results! It’s like Latin ESPN! (3-7-14) Here is the 2014 OJCL Convention Program by Secretary Emily Haussler, and here is the 2014 OJCL Convention Program for the convention. (3-3-14) Here is the Feb 2014 OJCL Torch by Editor Jane Klaus (Ursuline Academy). (3-3-14) 2014 Convention Announcements (2-13-14):
- Everyone at the 2014 Convention must fill out this permission slip.
- Want to win fabulous prizes and earn the admiration of your peers? Tryout for the annual talent show ‘OJCL’s Got Talent!‘
Pre-Convention Deadline MOVED to Monday, Feb. 10th. (from Mrs. I, 2/6/14) The pre-file form for OJCL elected office is now live: Applications are due February 5th. (from Parliamentarian Will Emery, 1/13/14) Registration & Payment Deadlines for 2014 OJCL Convention (from Mr. I, 1/11/14)
- 1 February: Online Registration
- 8 February: 50% of fees due, deadline for withdrawal with 100% reimbursement
- 15 February: deadline for withdrawal with 50% reimbursement
- 7 March: 100% of fees due by arrival at Convention
2013 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
The Shaker Heights Certamen will be Feb 2 2014. (1/7/14) Parliamentarian Will Emery created this document to explain the duties of the various offices of the Executive Board. (12/2/2013) On Dec. 1 2013, the Executive Board passed an amendment to the By-Laws involving the duties of the 1st and 2nd VPs. Service will be a duty of the 2nd VP beginning with the election of the 2015-2016 officers at the 2015 OJCL Convention. Click here for the full text of the amendment. (12/2/2013) OJCL Treasurer Narayan Sundararajan has give each of the 3 GA’s a ‘spirit theme’ for the 2014 Convention. Click here to print off more information. (11/25/2013) Here is the UPDATED Cleveland certamen schedule (10/19/2013):
- St. Edward Open Certamen: Saturday, Nov 2, 1-3:30 pm
- Westlake Certamen (and Gift Wrap): Saturday, December 14 11 am
- Shaker Certamen: Sunday, February 2nd, 1 pm
OJCL Editor Jane Klaus (Ursuline) has completed the Fall 2013 Edition of The Torch! It contains detailed information about the 3 regional MADD events, articles about nationals, and much more. (10/1/13) Interested in giving 1 of the 6 ‘Opening/Closing Speeches’ at the 2014 OJCL Convention? There are 6 speeches total – 1 to open the 3 General Assemblies, 1 to close them. 3 of the slots are already filled: NJCL President Danny Trunzo, OSCL President Logan Nagel, and OJCL President Tino Delamerced. Contact OJCL President Tino Delamerced ( if you have something to say! (9/26/13) Here is the Cleveland certamen schedule (9/17/2013):
- Westlake Certamen (and Gift Wrap): Saturday, December 14 11 am
- Shaker Certamen: Sunday, February 2nd, 1pm
Here is an article about the August 2013 retirement of long-time Latin teacher and OJCL sponsor William Prueter of West Geauga. His school consistently placed 1st in the ‘Academic Per Capita’ competion at the State Convention. (9/16/2013) Cincinnati Certamen Schedule for 2013-2014 (all certamen are on Saturday, from 9 am – 11ish am)
- Oct 26 – Summit
- Nov 16 – University of Cincinnati
- Jan 11 – Xavier University
- Feb 1 – Seven Hills
Here are a few new things (9/10/13):
- Official Minutes of the OJCL Executive Board Meeting in Columbus on Sept 7 2013, by Secretary Emily Haussler
- Summary of Cincinnati Fall Sponsors Meeting at Moeller on Sept 9 2013, by Larry Dean, Student Chair
- Change to Banner Judging, Proposed by Emelie Inderhees, Contest Chair
Here is a list of important reminders about the UNLV Convention. (7/18/13) Here is a suggested packing list for the 2013 NJCL at UNLV created by OJCL Treasurer Narayan Sundararajan. (7/9/13) Below are the OH Competitive Certamen Teams for the 2013 NJCL Convention at UNLV. Congratulationes et Optimam Fortunam! (7/3/2013) Novice
- Tullus Dean (Summit)
- Patrick Fox (St. Edward)
- Soren Gran (St. Edward)
- Sam Katz (Shaker Heights)
- Will Beatrez (St. Edward)
- Alex Lathem (Westlake)
- Matthew McMillan (Shaker Heights)
- Anav Sood (Shaker Heights)
- Tino Delamerced (Summit)
- Jesse Campbell (Summit)
- Mollie Effler (McAuley)
- Ben Robertson (Shaker Heights)
- Adam Sichel (Indian Hill)
*Tino and Adam will play in every round; Mollie, Ben, and Jesse will rotate in different rounds NJCL at UNLV! (6/14/2013)
- T-shirts: The tshirt design is complete! Everyone is expected to wear their OH tshirt at convention. The cost is $11 with checks made out to ‘OJCL.’ Please click here to see the design, order the correct size, and get the address for the payment:
- Spirit: Click here for what to bring for OH Spirit at Nationals (by Narayan Sundararajan).
- General Info: Click here for general information about the OJCL officers (by Narayan Sundararajan).
Outgoing OJCL Editor Regina Merrill (Summit) has completed the 2013 Spring Torch. Optime, Regina! (5/24/13) Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati will all be having ‘End of the Year’ + ‘Looking Forward to NJCL Convention’ picnics. All Latin students are invited to join the fun! (5/15/13)
- Cleveland – June 9, 1-4 pm, Edgewater Park – flier with full details – Allison Kao (Shaker Heights)
- Columbus – June 8, Sharon Woods, 1-4 pm – flier with full details – Henry Bacha (Wellington)
- Cincinnati – June 1, 12-2 pm, Ault Park – flier with full details – Ra’ad Dawod (St. Xavier)
Here are the minutes for the OJCL Executive Board Meeting and the minutes for the OJCL Sponsors Meeting on April 20, 2013. (4/27/2013) Are you going to Nationals at UNLV and interested in trying out for the OH Competitive Certamen teams? If the answer is ‘Ita Vero!’ then click here for full information about the tryouts. Even if you are not going to Nationals or playing certamen, maybe you want to improve your Latin skills and knowledge of the classical world – there is a summer Latin program at Summit Country Day School in Cincinnati. Come on in and join the summer fun! (4/25/2013) Congratulations to the 2 new members of the Executive Board who were appointed at the Spring Meeting (4/20/13):
- Editor Jane Klaus (Ursuline)
- Historian Will Beatrez (St. Edward)
The OJCL Executive Board selected the 4 Gubernators for next year at a recent ‘cybermeeting (4/8/2013):
- Allison Kao, Shaker Heights (NE)
- Eleni Packis, Westlake (NW)
- Henry Bacha, Wellington (Central Belt)
- Ra’ad Dawod, St. Xavier (SE)
The 16 winners of the $100 OJCL Scholarship to the 2013 NJCL Convention at UNVL have been announced! Click here for the list. (3/31/2013) Interested in proposing a change in the OJCL By-Laws or an amendment to the OJCL Constitution? Parliamentarian Will Emery wants to hear from you. Click here to make a suggestion. (3/25/2013) Message about the selection of next year’s Gubernators and Editor and Historian from Parliamentarian Will Emery: “We still have six appointed positions that need to be filled by the best and brightest in the OJCL. If you are a strong leader, avid administrator, or want to give back to the organization, please apply. The open positions are: SE Gubernator, Central Gubernator, NE Gubernator, NW Gubernator, Torch Editor, and Historian. Interested students must email me ( an Appointed Officer Application by April 1 for Gubernators and April 15 for Torch Editor and Historian.” (3/21/2013) The application for the $100 OJCL Scholarship for the 2013 NJCL Convention is now available. It must be emailed to State Chair Larry Dean ( by 11:59 Mon March 25. (3/5/13) OJCL Editor Regina Merrill has completed the Winter 2013 issue of ‘The Ohio Torch.’ (3/1/13) Here are some announcements from the Feb 9 2013 Executive Board meeting regarding the 2013 OJCL Convention (2/13/13, updated 2/17/13):
- Eveyone attending the convention must fill out this permission slip.
- Project Linus will again be the charity for the convention – it will receive the proceeds from the ‘coin wars’ and will be the service project at the convention itself.
- Send in pix to Historian Becky Steffen ( – PLEASE! Becky has not received ANYTHING so far, and she needs stuff for the state scrapbook.
- The convention program itself and the ‘posters-with-schedule-posted-in-the-hallways’ will contain QR codes for Smartphones.
- There are 3 offices in a State of Emergency: President (1 candidate), 1st Vice-President (no candidates), and Secretary (1 candidate). If you have any students interested in these offices, contact Parliamentarian Bobby McDonald ( In addition, there will be vote at convention on 2 amendments to the OJCL Constitution.
- There will again be 4 Colloquia at Convention on Sat afternoon. More info on these will be forthcoming: Latin Storytime (OJCL President Heather Smith), Classics in the Movies (various OJCL officers), Music, Art, and the Classics (various OJCL officers); and Frescoes, Learn about them, then make one (Dr. Janette Knowles, Ohio Dominican University).
- OJCL’s Got Talent! is back for its 2nd year! Online is now available here.
- Here are the official minutes from Secretary Tino Delamerced for the Feb 9 OJCL Executive Board Meeting.
Suggest a theme for the 2013 Convention here. (2/5/2013) IMPORTANT DEADLINES FOR THE 2013 OJCL CONVENTION (1/22/13):
- Jan 26 – Convention Registration
- Feb 1 – OJCL Membership (to be in ‘Good Standing’)
- Feb 2 – Pre-Convention Projects
- Feb 6 – Pre-File Forms for OJCL Elected Offices
2012 Announcements, News, and Deadlines
The Candidate Prefile Application is now available online. If you don’t see your school listed, remind your sponsor to submit your membership information. (12/11/2012). The Creative Contest Documents 2013 for OJCL Convention 2013 have been posted. View the “Creative Arts” tab for the complete PDF. (11/14/2012) The details for the OJCL Make a Difference Day Service Events for Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland are now finalized (10/2/2012). Each of the 3 main OH areas – Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland – has released the local certamen schedule for the 2012-2012 school year (9/22/2012). OJCL Editor Regina Merrill has published her 1st edition of the OJCL Torch (9/22/2012). Here are the official minutes of the OJCL Executive Board Meeting on Sept 8, 2012 (9/8/2012). Changes have been made to various projects (8/28/12):
- Banner will now have students doing a short presentation to the judges to explain the subject matter and construction of the banner.
- Short Film has been eliminated, but there are 2 new Pre-Convention Club Contests: Music Video (on Julius Caesar) and Commercial (on Hercules).
- Minor changes to Creative Arts have been highlighted in the rules.
Important dates for OJCL Executive Board (8/2/12):
- Sat Sept 8, Fall OJCL Board Meeting
- Sat Feb 9, Winter OJCL Board Meeting
- Fri March 8 – Sun March 10, OJCL Convention [different from last year, and remember that officers are expected to arrive the evening of Thurs March 7]
- Sat April 20, Changeover Meeting
- July 22-26, NJCL Convention, Las Vegas
Mr. Dean’s daily updates on the 2012 NJCL Convention can be found here. (8/1/12) Information about 2012 National Convention at Wake Forest in July has been posted here. (5/29/12) OJCL Editor Susan Wallace (Madeira) has completed her 3rd and final edition of the Torch. Click here to see some great pictures & articles about the OJCL. (5/1/2012) Both the OJCL Executive Board and the OJCL Sponsors had meetings on Sat April 21st (Rome’s 2,765th B-Day!).
- Click here for a concise summary of the important stuff from Executive Board/Sponsors Meeting on April 21 2012 in Columbus. (4/21/2012)
- Click here for the official minutes from the Executive Board meeting by OJCL Secretary Tino Delamerced.
- Click here for the official minutes from the Sponsors meeting by State Chair Larry Dean. (4/21/2012)
The Ohio Senior Classical League is accepting applications for its 2012 Book Award Scholarship. The award is hundreds of dollars for book expenses at college. It is for graduating high school seniors. The deadline is Friday May 4th at 11:59 pm. Click here to download the application. (4/16/2012) Academic tests and keys for 2012 and 2010 have been posted under Academics on the Contest Page. (3/5/2012)